Dynatrace integration with Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams provides a simple and safe way to ingest AWS metrics. Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams allows all metrics issued in a given AWS region to be streamed through Firehose to the Dynatrace API.
To receive the AWS metrics, the previously selected endpoint needs to be open to incoming Internet traffic. Restrictive firewalls might block the streaming service.
Set up a Metric Streams client
You can set up a Metric Streams client with a CloudFormation template or in the AWS console. See below for instructions.
CloudFormation allows you to deploy a Metric Streams client using a single deployment command to create a stack that groups multiple AWS resources. This approach is faster and makes AWS resource management easier.
You need one client stack for each region you want to monitor. Once deployed, the client starts streaming all metrics produced in its region. You can restrict which metrics are streamed.
Deploy the Metric Streams client for a default region
To fetch the CloudFormation template and deploy it to your AWS account, run the command below. Be sure to replace <your_API_URL> and <your_API_token> with your own values. Consult the parameters table that follows for details.
If you have AWS CLI configured, you can use a Bash-compliant shell. Otherwise, you can use CloudShell, which is available in the AWS console.
Default value
required Your API URL. See Prerequisites for instructions.
required Your API token. See Prerequisites for instructions.
required The name of your client stack.
optional If set to true, Dynatrace verifies the SSL certificate of your Dynatrace environment URL.
optional One of these Metric Streams endpoints for Dynatrace: Global: https://aws.cloud.dynatrace.com/ US: https://us.aws.cloud.dynatrace.com/ EU: https://eu.aws.cloud.dynatrace.com/
Deploy the Metric Streams client for other regions
The command above uses the default AWS CLI profile and its default region. To change the profile and region, you can export additional variables such as AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and AWS_PROFILE and rerun the deployment command. If you are using CloudShell, you can change the region in the AWS console instead. For details on how to configure the AWS CLI, see Environment variables to configure the AWS CLI.
Monitor multiple AWS accounts with Cross-account cross-Region CloudWatch
To monitor metrics from linked AWS accounts using one AWS Metric Streams integration, you need to set IncludeLinkedAccountsMetrics parameter to true in the CloudFormation template.
Confirm that the Metric Streams client was deployed correctly optional
To ensure that the Metric Streams client was deployed correctly
In the AWS console, go to CloudFormation.
Select the stack you created in the CloudFormation deployment.
On the Events tab, make sure all events completed successfully and there are no failed events.
In Parameters tab, make sure all parameters you provided have correct values.
Restrict which metrics are streamed
If you want to restrict which metrics are streamed
In the AWS console, go to CloudFormation.
Select the stack you created in the CloudFormation deployment.
On the Resources tab, find the resource with type AWS::CloudWatch::MetricStream and note its Physical ID.
Go to CloudWatch.
Under Metrics, select Streams.
In the list of metric streams, select the one whose Name corresponds to the Physical ID that you noted in step 3 and then select Edit.
Under Metrics to be streamed, select one of the following options:
All namespaces, if you want to automatically stream all namespaces (you can manually select namespaces to exclude).
Selected namespaces, if you want to manually select the namespaces to stream.
Under Select metrics for the metric stream, select one of the following options:
All metrics, if you want to automatically stream all metrics from namespaces selected in step 7.
Exclude metrics by metric name, if you want to manually exclude metrics for each namespace.
Select Save changes.
If you don't have access to the CloudFormation template, you can manually set up a Metric Streams client in the AWS console. Follow the steps below for instructions.
For each region that you want to monitor, you need to repeat the entire procedure: create a Data Firehose stream and create a CloudWatch Metric Stream.
Create a Data Firehose stream
In the AWS console, go to Kinesis.
Select Create delivery stream.
. Choose source and destination
In Source, select Direct PUT.
in Destination select Dynatrace.
. Name
Enter a stream name and save it for later.
. Transform records
Make sure Data Transformation is disabled.
. Destination settings
In Ingestion type, select Metrics
In HTTP endpoint URL, select one of the available Dynatrace endpoints (Global, EU, or US).
In API token, enter your API token. See Prerequisites for instructions.
In API URL, enter your API URL. See Prerequisites for instructions.
In Content encoding, make sure GZIP is selected.
In Retry duration, enter 900.
In Buffer hints, set Buffer size to 3MiB and Buffer interval to 60 seconds.
In Backup settings, make sure Failed data only is selected.
In S3 backup bucket, select Create.
Enter the name, optional choose a region for the S3 bucket, and then select Create bucket.
. Configure settings
Use the existing default settings.
optional In Tags, enter tags to organize your AWS resources.
Select Next.
. Review
Review your configuration.
Select Create delivery stream.
Create a CloudWatch Metric Stream
In the AWS console, go to CloudWatch.
Under Metrics, select Streams.
Select Create metric stream.
Select Custom setup with Firehose and enter the name of the Firehose created in the previous section (in Select your Data Firehose stream).
In Change output format, select OpenTelemetry 1.0.
OpenTelemetry 0.7
We recommend using OpenTelemetry 1.0 since it's a default version that allows you to fetch new metrics and is fully compatible with the 0.7 version—which will still be supported.
Under Metrics to be streamed, select one of the following options:
All metrics—if you want to stream all metrics from namespaces automatically.
Select metrics—if you want to exclude metrics for each namespace manually.
In Custom metric stream name, enter a name for your metric stream.
Create a dashboards directory next to upload_dashboards.py.
Add any dashboard definition from GitHub to your dashboards directory.
Each dashboard definition is a single JSON file located in the folders of the GitHub repository.
Run the script below. Be sure to replace <your_dynatrace_cluster_version>, <your_API_token>, and <your_API_URL> with your own values. Consult the parameters table that follows for details.
The minor version of your Dynatrace Cluster. For instance, for version 1.210.1.xxxxx, you need to provide 210.
If you deployed the Metric Streams client with a CloudFormation template
In the AWS console, go to CloudFormation.
Select the stack you created in the CloudFormation deployment.
In Resources, find the resource with type AWS::S3::Bucket, select its link, and, in the S3 console, delete all objects in this bucket.
Back in CloudFormation, in Stack information, select Delete.
If you deployed the Metric Streams client through the AWS console, delete all the resources you created (S3 bucket, Firehose delivery stream, CloudWatch metric stream).
Metric Streams limitations
A metric won't be streamed if it is more than two hours old. You can determine a metric's age by graphing it in the CloudWatch console and checking the age of the last datapoint displayed.