Terraform advanced example

This section guides you through an advanced example of creating a Dynatrace configuration template for a newly deployed application with Dynatrace Configuration as Code via Terraform.


  • Terraform CLI with the Dynatrace provider installed and available under PATH.

  • Access token with at least the following permissions:

    • Read settings (settings.read)
    • Write settings (settings.write)

    To create a token that works for all configurations, also include the following permissions.

    • Read configuration (ReadConfig)
    • Write configuration (WriteConfig)
    • Create and read synthetic monitors, locations, and nodes (ExternalSyntheticIntegration)
    • Capture request data (CaptureRequestData)
    • Read credential vault entries (credentialVault.read)
    • Write credential vault entries (credentialVault.write)
    • Read network zones (networkZones.read)
    • Write network zones (networkZones.write)

Certain resources require an OAuth client for authentication (for example, automation, document, and account management APIs). For details, see the resource-specific pages in the Terraform Registry.

Build configuration

In this example, we'll utilize a JSON input file to automate the creation of a management zone, alerting profile, and email notification for each defined application.

  1. In your working directory, create a main.tf file with the following content.

    The configuration below uses a locals block to access the contents of data.json within the resource blocks.

    For more information on each resource, refer to the Terraform Registry documentation.

    locals {
    app_data = jsondecode(file("data.json"))
    resource "dynatrace_management_zone_v2" "mgmz_per_app" {
    for_each = local.app_data
    name = each.key
    rules {
    rule {
    type = "ME"
    enabled = true
    attribute_rule {
    entity_type = "HOST"
    host_to_pgpropagation = true
    attribute_conditions {
    condition {
    case_sensitive = true
    key = "HOST_GROUP_NAME"
    operator = "EQUALS"
    string_value = each.value["host-group"]
    resource "dynatrace_alerting" "alerting_per_app" {
    for_each = dynatrace_management_zone_v2.mgmz_per_app
    name = each.value.name
    management_zone = each.value.legacy_id
    rules {
    rule {
    delay_in_minutes = local.app_data[each.value.name]["delay-in-minutes"]
    include_mode = "NONE"
    severity_level = "MONITORING_UNAVAILABLE"
    resource "dynatrace_email_notification" "email_notification_per_app" {
    for_each = dynatrace_alerting.alerting_per_app
    name = each.value.name
    subject = "{State} Problem {ProblemID}: {ImpactedEntity}"
    to = local.app_data[each.value.name]["notify"]
    body = "{ProblemDetailsHTML}"
    profile = each.value.id
    active = true
    notify_closed_problems = true
  2. Create a data.json file with the following content.

    "App-A": {
    "host-group": "group-a",
    "delay-in-minutes": 20,
    "notify": ["app.a.owner@dynatrace.com"]
    "App-B": {
    "host-group": "group-b",
    "delay-in-minutes": 30,
    "notify": ["app.b.owner@dynatrace.com"]

    In the provided JSON configuration, we've defined two applications: "App-A" and "App-B". These names will be consistently used for creating the management zone, alerting profile, and email notification. Each application is associated with the following attributes:

    • host-group: Refers to the host group associated with the application. Used for management zone rule.
    • delay-in-minutes: Specifies the duration (in minutes) that the monitoring unavailable event remains open before triggering an alert. For more information, see alerting profile.
    • notify: Lists the recipients of the email notification.
  3. Open a terminal window and set the tenant URL and API token environment variables. This is the tenant on which we want to push the configuration.

    set DYNATRACE_ENV_URL=https://########.live.dynatrace.com
    set DYNATRACE_API_TOKEN=dt0c01.########.########
  4. Run the terraform apply -auto-approve command, which displays an execution plan detailing the changes to be made.

    dynatrace_management_zone_v2.mgmz_per_app["App-A"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_management_zone_v2.mgmz_per_app["App-A"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=*************]
    dynatrace_management_zone_v2.mgmz_per_app["App-B"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_management_zone_v2.mgmz_per_app["App-B"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=*************]
    dynatrace_alerting.alerting_per_app["App-B"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_alerting.alerting_per_app["App-B"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=*************]
    dynatrace_alerting.alerting_per_app["App-A"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_alerting.alerting_per_app["App-A"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=*************]
    dynatrace_email_notification.email_notification_per_app["App-B"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_email_notification.email_notification_per_app["App-B"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=*************]
    dynatrace_email_notification.email_notification_per_app["App-A"]: Creating...
    dynatrace_email_notification.email_notification_per_app["App-A"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=*************]
    Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Upon successful execution, the management zone, alerting profile, and email notification configurations for "App-A" and "App-B" will be established in the Dynatrace environment.

To change or destroy the configuration, refer back to the examples in Terraform basic example