To get you started, Dynatrace provides a default set of editable groups for account and environment users. You can edit and adapt these default groups to fit your needs or you can create new groups.
Dynatrace offers the following user groups with environment and account permissions.
User group
Environment Users
Basic access to Dynatrace in all environments of the account.
Default policies:
Environment Professionals
Access advanced features in all environments of the account.
Default policies:
Environment Admins
Full access to all functions in all environments of the account.
Default policies:
Account Admins
Has full account access. Can view and edit company data, enter credit card data, review invoices, create and edit groups, and add users to groups. Also has access to environment consumption data, Documentation, and Support.
Account viewers
Has access to environment consumption data, Documentation, and Support. No access to credit card data, invoices, or company/billing address info. Can’t edit groups or assign users to groups.
As a Dynatrace administrator, you can use the default Dynatrace policies and bind them to user groups just like any other policy.
You can assign policies to groups via the user group details either on the account level, which includes all environments in that account, or on the individual environment level.
You can find the default policies in the Policy overview of Account Management.
The legacy default policies were used previously to provide access to Dynatrace. They are not accessible for new policy assignments, but existing assignments of these policies remain until removed.
Permission to access 'Agent Install' features (equivalent to RBAC permission). Management zones not supported.
ALLOW environment:roles:agent-install;
Permission to access 'Configure Request Capture Data' features (equivalent to RBAC permission). Management zones not supported.
ALLOW environment:roles:configure-request-capture-data;
Permission to access 'Log Viewer' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:logviewer;
Permission to access 'Environment Manage Settings' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:manage-settings;
Permission to access 'Replay Sessions With Masking' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:replay-sessions-with-masking;
Permission to access 'Replay Sessions Without Masking' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:replay-sessions-without-masking;
Permission to access 'View Security Problems' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:view-security-problems;
Permission to access 'View Sensitive Request Data' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:view-sensitive-request-data;
Permission to access 'Environment Roles Viewer' features (equivalent to RBAC permission).
ALLOW environment:roles:viewer;