
The Lens feature of Account Management provides you with insights into platform adoption and health, helping you to understand how Dynatrace is used within your organization and recommend areas for optimization.

Lens has two main pages: Adoption and Environments.


The Lens > Adoption page gives you insight into platform adoption and health:

  • User activity
  • Which technologies are being monitored across Dynatrace
  • How monitored hosts are deployed (license type, platform type)
  • How many synthetic tests are running
  • How many problem notification integrations are defined

User activity and Feature usage

The User activity chart shows how many users are accessing Dynatrace over time and how many sessions are opened.

The Feature usage chart helps you to understand the top features used in Dynatrace.

  • The larger the feature area is on the chart, the more times the feature is used when someone accesses Dynatrace (sessions)
  • The darker the feature area is on the chart, the more page views the feature has (regardless of session count)

For instance, a user that logs into Dynatrace and navigates to Dashboards 10 times is counted as 1 session and 10 page views.

Feature usage example

Data for these charts is powered by the automated self-management capabilities that Dynatrace uses to keep your system secure, reliable, and up to date. This includes collecting real-user monitoring (powered by Dynatrace) from your Dynatrace platform.

  • For Dynatrace SaaS customers, this is done automatically
  • For Dynatrace Managed customers, Dynatrace requires pro-active support to be enabled.
    • If no data is shown, please contact a Dynatrace product expert via live chat to help you check your self-monitoring configuration.
    • To learn more about Dynatrace self-monitoring for Dynatrace Managed customers, see the Pro-active support section of Data privacy and exchange in Managed deployments.

Dynatrace University

The Dynatrace University view shows how many people in your organization have a Dynatrace University certification.

License usage

The License usage view provides an overview of license usage.

  • For a detailed view of license usage and drilldowns into consumption history, see License Management (traditional SaaS or Managed customers).


The Lens > Environments page offers:

  • An overview of how many technologies are detected and monitored by Dynatrace over time.
  • A host-centric summary of the environments in your Dynatrace deployment.
  • A summary of how many monitored hosts are deployed across the cloud.
  • A summary of how many public and private synthetic tests have been running across your environments.
  • Information on how many applications are defined within your Dynatrace environment and how many are or are not monitored with Dynatrace real user monitoring.
  • A high-level summary of how many API tokens are defined, how many problem notification integrations are defined, how many PaaS integrations are in use, and how many session exports are defined.

Environment details

An overview of how many technologies are detected and monitored by Dynatrace over time.

Host monitoring details

Provides a host-centric summary of the environments in your Dynatrace deployment, with the number of monitored hosts broken down by host operating systems, monitoring mode, and cloud deployment. Data is based on the total number of hosts seen in the previous 24 hours. In highly elastic environments where many hosts are started and stopped during the day, this number may be higher than expected.

Cloud and virtualization details

A summary of how many monitored hosts are deployed across the cloud.

Synthetic tests

A summarized view of how many public and private synthetic tests have been running across your environments. The default period is 3 months; you can adjust this in the tile.

Digital Experience configuration

Information on how many applications are defined within your Dynatrace environment and how many are or are not monitored with Dynatrace real user monitoring.

This also provides a visual summary of how many applications are using the key Digital Experience Monitoring capabilities:

  • User tagging: Allows you to inspect and view who is using your application (as opposed to anonymous usage).
  • User action naming rules: Help you to decode complex actions into meaningful names, allowing you to more easily understand what your users are doing within monitored applications.
  • Key user actions: You can define certain user actions as particularly important to the success of your digital business, such as signups, checkouts, and product searches. Defining key user actions allows you to find these important actions more easily and customize Apdex thresholds for them.
  • Conversion goals: You can define conversion goals for specific user actions to understand how successfully you're meeting your conversion milestones (for example, how many users get from product search to checkout).
  • Session Replay: This is the number of your applications that have Session Replay enabled. Session Replay helps to identify errors that should be fixed immediately and other problems such as malformed pages and infinite spinners. Session Replay can also be used to identify and analyze areas of struggle in your application and improve its overall usability.

Not using any of these important features does not necessarily constitute a problem, but it may indicate that you are not getting the full value from the Dynatrace Digital Experience Monitoring capabilities.

Inbound/outbound data integrations

A high-level summary of how many API tokens are defined, how many problem notification integrations are defined, how many PaaS integrations are in use, and how many session exports are defined.

  • API tokens: Dynatrace provides powerful APIs that allow you to integrate Dynatrace within your lifecycle processes and extract information from Dynatrace. A total of 0 tokens indicates that your organization is not leveraging these APIs.
  • Problem notifications: Problem notifications help you determine if Dynatrace is integrated with any of your internal systems for problem notifications. If the tile indicates 0 problem notifications, and your organization uses a helpdesk system (like ServiceNow) or paging system (like PagerDuty) when critical alerts are found, then you may be missing an opportunity to integrate Dynatrace with your organizational processes.
  • PaaS tokens: PaaS tokens provide a quick indication of whether Dynatrace is configured with any of your PaaS environments (e.g. Microsoft Azure, Cloud Foundry, IBM Bluemix).
  • Session Export: Session Export indicates whether any of your environments are configured to stream real user monitoring data from Dynatrace to an external data source where it can be leveraged as input for big data analytics, or for extending data retention.