Update Dynatrace OneAgent on Windows

OneAgent installed in full-stack mode has a built-in, configurable auto-update mechanism.

See OneAgent update for an overview of OneAgent update, including how to monitor updates and how to create update windows.

Configure OneAgent updates

You can configure OneAgent update globally, per host group, and per host.

When automatic updates are turned on globally, whenever a new version of OneAgent becomes available, all of your installed OneAgent instances—except where you have turned off auto-updates at the host group or host level—will automatically download the update and upgrade their binaries and configuration files.

OneAgent update settings at the host group and host levels override these global settings.

  1. Go to Settings > Updates > OneAgent updates.
  2. Select one of the update options:
    • Automatic updates at earliest convenience
      Update all OneAgents automatically, regardless of update windows.
    • Automatic updates during update windows
      Update all OneAgents automatically during the selected update window.
      • When you choose this setting, a list of available update windows is displayed. Select one.
      • To configure a new update window for OneAgent updates, go to Settings > Updates > Update windows for OneAgent updates.
    • No automatic updates
      Do not automatically update OneAgents.

OneAgent update settings at the host group level override global settings and are overridden by settings at the host level.

  1. Open the Host group settings page.
    Access alternatives:
    • Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitoring overview, find any host that is in the host group you want to configure, and select the host group name (not the host name).
    • Go to Hosts, open a host page, and expand the Properties and tags section. If the host belongs to a group, there is a link to it under Host group.
    • Go to Deployment Status > OneAgents. If a host belongs to a host group, a link to the host group settings page is displayed under the host name.
  2. On the Host group settings page, select OneAgent updates on the left side of the page.
  3. Select one of the update options:
    • Inherit global update settings
      Follow the global update settings for updating OneAgents in this host group.
      • The current global setting is displayed in parentheses on this line.
      • To go to the global configuration page, select the global link.
    • Automatic updates at earliest convenience
      Update all OneAgents in this host group automatically, regardless of update windows. Ignore the global update settings.
    • Automatic updates during update windows
      Update all OneAgents in this host group automatically during the selected update window. Ignore the global update settings.
      • When you choose this setting, a list of available update windows is displayed. Select one.
      • To configure a new update window for OneAgent updates, go to Settings > Updates > Update windows for OneAgent updates.
    • No automatic updates
      Do not automatically update OneAgents in this host group. Ignore the global update settings.

OneAgent update settings at the host level override OneAgent update settings at the global and host group levels.

  1. Open the Host page for the host you want to configure.
    Access options:
    • Go to Hosts and then select the host.
    • Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitoring overview, select the Hosts tab, and then select the host.
  2. On the Host page, open the browse menu () and select Settings.
  3. Select OneAgent updates on the left side of the page.
  4. Select one of the update options:
    • Inherit…
      Follow the host group or global update settings for updating this OneAgent.
      • If the selected host belongs to a host group, the current host group setting is displayed in parentheses on this line, and the group name is a link to the host group configuration page.
      • If the selected host does not belong to a host group, the global setting is displayed in parentheses on this line, and "global" is a link to the global configuration page (Settings > Updates > OneAgent updates).
    • Automatic updates at earliest convenience
      Update this OneAgent automatically, regardless of update windows. Ignore the host group update settings.
    • Automatic updates during update windows
      Update this OneAgent automatically during the selected update window. Ignore the global update settings.
      • When you choose this setting, a list of available update windows is displayed. Select one.
      • To configure a new update window for OneAgent updates, go to Settings > Updates > Update windows for OneAgent updates.
    • No automatic updates
      Do not automatically update this OneAgent. Ignore the global update settings.

To manually update OneAgent running on an individual host:

  1. Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitoring overview.
  2. Select the Hosts tab.
  3. To update OneAgent or download the latest version, select Update next to the name of the host you're interested in.

    The Update button appears only if the installed version of OneAgent on a specific host is outdated and if it is a full-stack OneAgent. This button doesn't appear with PaaS and standalone OneAgents.

  4. Select Update now.
    If the Update now button is disabled, you don't have permissions to download the installer.

Alternatively, you can download the latest version of the OneAgent installer, copy it manually to the target host, and perform installation directly on the target host.

To control which version of OneAgent is automatically installed on all new hosts:

  1. Go to Settings > Updates > OneAgent updates.

  2. In Update mode, select No automatic updates to disable automatic OneAgent updates.

    For PaaS and Kubernetes deployments, skip this step. For details on how to disable OneAgent automatic updates on Paas/Kubernetes, see DynaKube parameters for Dynatrace Operator on Kubernetes/OpenShift.

  3. In Target version, select the version of OneAgent to install on all new hosts.

The selected OneAgent version is also used for PaaS integrations.

To select which version of OneAgent to update to

  1. Go to Settings > Updates > OneAgent updates.

  2. In the Target version list, you can specify a particular version by OneAgent version number or select a relative target version:

    • Latest stable version
      The most recent stable OneAgent version that is available in your environment. The actual version number is displayed in parentheses.
    • Previous stable version
      The stable version before Latest stable version. The currently corresponding version number is displayed in parentheses. The OneAgent version number increases by two for each release, so this number will be two less than the latest version number.
    • Older stable version
      The stable version before Previous stable version. The currently corresponding version number is displayed in parentheses. The OneAgent version number increases by two for each release, so this number will be four less than the latest version number.
  • Specific OneAgent version

The target version is used for:

  • Automatic updates
  • Automatic updates during maintenance windows
  • Manual updates when you select the version you want to update to

You can set the target version and update mode at:

  • Environment level Affects all OneAgents of an environment. Is also used for Deployment API.
  • Host group Affects all OneAgents of a host-group. Overrides the environment level. Does not affect Deployment API.
  • Host Affects OneAgent on this host. Overrides host group and environment-level configuration. Does not affect Deployment API.

If you select an older version than a currently deployed version, you won't be able to downgrade OneAgent. You will need to install a newer version over an existing OneAgent version.

System requirements

Disk space

For details, see OneAgent files and disk space requirements

Free memory

Your host requires 200 MB free memory to run OneAgent update.

Check installed version of OneAgent

Use one of these methods to check which version of OneAgent you currently have installed.

OneAgent command-line interface

Run oneagentctl with the --version parameter. For more information, see OneAgent configuration via command-line interface.

Host Overview

  1. Go to Hosts.
  2. Click the host you are interested in.
  3. Expand Properties under the host's name. The installed version of OneAgent is included in the listed properties.

Deployment status

  1. Go to Deployment Status.
  2. Click the All hosts or Recently connected hosts tab.
  3. Expand the host entry you are interested in. The installed version of OneAgent is included in the information that shows up.