Review findings

Latest Dynatrace Early Adopter

To efficiently manage and analyze security and compliance findings, you can filter and sort results to prioritize the most relevant findings.


Select which information is to be displayed.

Filter by standard

You have two options:

  1. Go to the Overview page.
  2. From the list of available compliance standard cards, select the one you're interested in. This will navigate you to the Assessment results page, filtered by the respective standard.

filter by standard

Filter by system

You have two options:

  1. Go to the Overview page.
  2. In the My systems table, look for and select the system you're interested in. This will navigate you to the Assessment results page, filtered by the respective system.

filter by system

Only systems on which Security Posture Management is enabled can be selected.

Filter by results, severity and rule

On the Assessment results page, in the filter bar, select the options you're interested in:

  • Result (Failed, Manual, Passed, Not relevant)

  • Severity (Critical, High, Medium, Low)

  • Rule (full or partial match of the rule name)

Filters can be combined.

combined filters


On the Overview and the Assessment results pages, select any of the columns with a sorter symbol to change the order of results to ascending or descending based on that criteria.
