Pre- and post-execution scripts for HTTP monitors (classic)

When executing a complex API monitor, pre- and post-execution scripts enable you to add logic before/after the HTTP monitor requests (for example, to skip a request under certain conditions, add a header, modify body content, or modify a URL). The scripts are based on custom JavaScript code that runs before and/or after each HTTP request is executed. You can also set values in your scripts and pass them as variables between requests.

Define pre- and post-execution scripts

In edit mode, enable pre- or post-script execution in the request to display the code editor. As you type, the editor displays inline help with short descriptions of the available methods after you type the objects api, request (for pre-execution scripts), or response (for post-execution scripts).

You can also add scripts using script mode—simply add the script as the value of the preProcessingScript or postProcessingScript keys. However, with this approach, you will not be able to use the inline method helper and will need to escape all special characters and break lines with a backslash (for example, a new line is \n, double quotes is \", and tab is \t).

The api object can be used in pre- or post-execution scripts to store and retrieve variables, perform cryptographic functions, log data, skip other requests, and many other functions. Pre-execution scripts use the request object to add or modify the current HTTP request's parameters (for example, the URL, header values, and request body). Post-execution scripts use the response object to access the response body, headers, and status code of the current HTTP request after a response is received.

Pre- and post-execution scripts have direct access only to the data retrieved as the result of the current request. In other words, the response details are available only within the same request’s post-execution script. To pass the information to a different request within the same monitor, use a variable instead.

Passing variables

Variables can be passed only in the context of a single execution of an HTTP monitor. You also need to make sure that when you refer to a variable, the data behind it is logically available to the monitor. For example, if you set a variable based on data from the response body of a request, you cannot retrieve the value in the pre-execution script for that request, because at this point, the content does not exist yet.

After you set a global variable using the api.setValue() method, you can apply its value using the {variable_name} convention with api.getValue() or api.getValues() in subsequent pre- or post-execution scripts. See the example below on how to set a variable and retrieve it using api.setValue() and api.getValue().

You can also apply the value of a variable previously set using api.setValue() in subsequent HTTP monitor configuration fields using the {variable_name} convention. The UI informs you whenever this is possible.

Variable and key names have a 100-character limit. Global variable values have a 5000-character limit.

Passing variables

Example monitor

In this example, we perform an OAuth 2.0 authorization using pre- and post-execution scripts that retrieve and apply the access token.

The HTTP monitor is composed of two requests. The first request retrieves the access token, and a post-execution script saves it in the bearerToken variable. We then run the second request where a pre-execution script adds the value of the bearerToken variable to the request authorization header.

Request 1

Request URL: HTTP method: POST Post-execution script:

if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {"HTTP error: " + response.getStatusCode());
var responseBody = response.getResponseBody();
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
api.setValue("bearerToken", jsonData.access_token);;

Request 2

Request URL: HTTP method: GET Pre-execution script:

request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + api.getValue("bearerToken"));

Full monitor script

"version": "1.0",
"requests": [
"description": "GET access_token",
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"requestBody": "scope=openid%20read&client_secret=somesecret&grant_type=password&username=user%40somesite%2Ecom&password=password123&client_id=clientid",
"configuration": {
"requestHeaders": [
"name": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"acceptAnyCertificate": true,
"followRedirects": true
"preProcessingScript": "",
"postProcessingScript": "if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {\n\"HTTP error: \" + response.getStatusCode());\n}\nvar responseBody = response.getResponseBody();\nvar jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);\napi.setValue(\"bearerToken\", jsonData.access_token);\;"
"description": "GET tenants",
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"requestBody": "",
"configuration": {
"acceptAnyCertificate": true,
"followRedirects": true
"preProcessingScript": "request.addHeader(\"Authorization\", \"Bearer \" + api.getValue(\"bearerToken\"));",
"postProcessingScript": ""

Method reference

When writing pre- and post-execution scripts, you can use the following methods in your JavaScript code. The script editor has a built-in, type-ahead syntax guide and syntax check.

Store and retrieve values across HTTP requests

  • api.setValue(key, value)—Sets a value for the key. Use a separate instance of api.setValue() for each key-value pair you wish to specify.
  • api.getValue(key)—Gets the value of the key previously set by api.setValue().
  • api.getValues()—Returns an object holding the key-value pairs that were previously set by api.setValue().

Variable and key names have a 100-character limit. Global variable values have a 5000-character limit.

Mark requests as failed or finished

  •—Marks the request as failed, providing the message as the reason, and marks the monitor execution as failed. The message parameter has a 1,000-character limit. message appears as the Failure message in the Events card on the HTTP monitor details page. Custom log messages also appear in the customLogs attribute in HTTP monitor execution details.
  • api.finish()—Finishes the request so that the next request is executed.

Skip HTTP requests

These methods skip HTTP requests after completion of the current request.

  • api.skipNextRequest()—Skips execution of the next request.
  • api.skipNextRequests(n)—Skips execution of the next n consecutive requests.
  • api.skipRequest(requestIndex)—Skips execution of the request with the index requestIndex. Request index numbers start at 1 and match the request numbers displayed in the web UI.
  • api.skipRequests(requestIndexes)—Skips execution of multiple requests; the Int32Array of requestIndexes specifies the requests to skip, for example, api.skipRequests(new Int32Array([2,4])). You can also define an array first and then refer to it, for example, api.skipRequests(x), where x=new Int32Array([2,4]) has already been defined.

Basic logging

  •—Logs a message using the info log level.
  • api.warn(message)—Logs a message using the warning log level.
  • api.error(message)—Logs a message using the error log level.

The message parameter has a 1,000-character limit. Messages are logged in the vuc-http-custom.log file saved in the ActiveGate log directory, which is accessible for private Synthetic locations. Custom log messages also appear in the customLogs attribute in HTTP monitor execution details.

Basic encoding

  • api.urlEncode(url)—Converts a url string to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.
  • api.base64UrlEncode(urlToEncode)—Encodes input (urlToEncode) using Base64URL encoding.
  • api base64UrlDecode(encodedUrl)—Decodes Base64URL input (encodedUrl).
  • api.HMACSHA256(message, secret)—Creates a Base64 hash using HMAC-SHA256 where message is the text that you want to encode; secret is secret key.
  • api.btoa(value)—Creates a Base64-encoded ASCII string from a string (value) of binary data.
  • api.atob(value)—Decodes a Base64-encoded ASCII string (value) into a binary string. The input string must be a Base64 representation of a valid UTF-8 string. For more general-purpose Base64 decoding, use the api.base64decode() function. The value parameter has a 10,000-character limit.

Generate random values

  • api.randomNextInt()—Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value.
  • api.randomNextIntWithBound(value)—Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).
  • api.randomNextFloat()—Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value.
  • api.randomNextLong()—Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value.
  • api.randomString(numberOfChars, supportedChars)—Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters (numberOfChars); the characters are chosen from the set of characters specified as a string (supportedChars). Both parameters have a 5000-character limit.

Date formatting

  • api.dateToFormat(timestamp, format)—Returns the input timestamp in the specified format based on the Java SimpleDateFormat class. timestamp must be in UNIX Epoch time.
  •—Returns the current date as a raw millisecond UNIX Epoch-based value.


api.setValue("dateToFormat", api.dateToFormat("1346524199000", "dd/MM/yy"));
api.setValue("dateToFormatCurrentDate", api.dateToFormat(, "dd/MM/yy"));

Retrieve data

  • api.UUID()—Returns a universally unique identifier.
  • api.getContext()—Returns the name of the private or public location from where the monitor is executed. This is helpful when applying conditional logic based on the execution location (for example, using different login information per location) or for writing to logs, as shown in the example below.


    var loc = api.getContext();"Location Name is: " + loc);
  • api.getCredential(id, type)—Retrieves a credential value, given the credential ID (id) and (type), which can be username, password, or token. You need to provide the exact value of one of the autocomplete suggestions for the credential ID; using dynamic identifiers like variables is not supported. The list consists of only those credentials to which you have access.

    Requires ActiveGate version 1.212+ for private Synthetic locations.

    As a security best practice, we recommend that you use only dedicated test credentials for synthetic monitors.


    var userName = api.getCredential("CREDENTIALS_VAULT-000000A0A00A0AA0", "username");
    api.setValue("un", userName + "1");

Write data

  • api.saveCredential(id, username, password)—Overwrites a username-password credential, given the credential id, the new value for the username (username), and the new value for the password (password). The username and password parameters may be strings or variables.

    Example with username and password strings:

    api.saveCredential("CREDENTIALS_VAULT-000000A0A00A0AA0", "newusername", "newpassword");

    Example with variables containing the values of the username and password:

    api.saveCredential("CREDENTIALS_VAULT-000000A0A00A0AA0", myusernamevariable, mypasswordvariable);
  • api.saveToken(id, token)—Overwrites a token credential, given the credential id and the new value for the token (token). The token parameter may be a string or a variable.

Pre-execution script methods

These methods are request specific, so you can only use them for pre-execution scripts.

  • request.addHeader(key, value)—Adds a request header where key is the header name and value is the header value.
  • request.setUrl(URL)—Sets the request URL.
  • request.setBody(requestBody)—Sets the request body (requestBody).

Post-execution script methods

These methods are response specific, so you can only use them for post-execution scripts.

  • response.getResponseBody()—Returns the first 50 KB of the response body as a string. To parse the JSON-formatted response into an object, use, for example:

    var responseBody = response.getResponseBody();
    var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
  • response.getHeaders()—Returns an object holding all response HTTP headers.

    Use response.getHeaders().get(<header-name>) to get the value of a specific response header as a string.

  • response.getStatusCode()—Returns the response status code as a number.