
Latest Dynatrace

Metrics powered by Grail offer a comprehensive solution to manage your metrics data. Grail integrates metrics, logs, spans, and events, providing a unified approach to data analysis. This allows you to extract value from all data types available in the Dynatrace platform.

Grail metrics extend the capabilities of classic metrics while continuing support for cloud, Kubernetes, and several more existing built-in metrics.

Grail offers:

  • Higher granularity data at 1-minute resolution for 15 months.
  • Top-down dimension enrichment, so you know the precise context of your data, no matter the process, host, or entity in your environment.
  • Limitless cardinality so you can fully monitor highly dynamic Kubernetes deployments at any scale.
  • Timeseries creation and analysis from logs, spans, or any other data you use in Dynatrace.

Dynatrace OneAgent automatically brings your built-in metrics into Dynatrace. From there, you can already begin with the quick start guide below.

Metric on Grail are a subject to the Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS) model. To learn how metric consumption is calculated under the DPS model, see Metrics powered by Grail.

Quick start guide