This extension documentation is now deprecated and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new MySQL extension for improved functionality and support.
Learn how to monitor your MySQL database using the MySQL ActiveGate extension. The extension supports MySQL versions 5.7 and 8, as well as the corresponding versions of MariaDB and Percona Server.
This extension uses the "show global status" and "show global variables" commands. The commands don't require any specific privileges, only the ability to connect to the server.
To install the MySQL database extension
directory of your ActiveGate host. If the resulting directory structure isn't
is the name of the directory containing the files for this extension, make the necessary changes.Setting
Endpoint name
Enter a meaningful endpoint name.
The MySQL database user name.
The MySQL database user password.
Host Name
The DNS or IP address that the database resides on.
Port number
The default port is 3306
Choose ActiveGate
Type or select an ActiveGate.
Available metrics are listed below.