Migrate OneAgent

To start collecting data in the target SaaS environment and completing configuration migration, you need to migrate OneAgents from your Managed environment.

There are several different ways to do this. Choose the method that works best for your situation.

  • recommended Remote bulk migration with remote configuration management
  • Local migration with oneagentctl
  • Using OneAgent deployment orchestration
  • Uninstallation of existing OneAgent and installation from the SaaS environment

Remote bulk migration with remote configuration management


You can use remote configuration management to modify the communication settings of OneAgents from the same environment in bulk mode. The action is still performed on the respective hosts when using remote configuration management, but you trigger it and control it centrally from Deployment Status in the Dynatrace web UI.

To start, go to your Dynatrace Managed environment and select Deployment Status from the Dynatrace menu.

Local migration with oneagentctl

Use the oneagentctl command-line interface to perform OneAgent reconfiguration at the individual host level. You'll need to update multiple OneAgent communication configuration settings:

How to use oneagentctl


  • curl installed on a host

Specifying a wrong --set-server will lead to OneAgent losing communication with both the previous and the new environment.

There are two scenarios, depending on how OneAgent connects to your Dynatrace Managed environment currently:

  1. Standalone OneAgent directly connects to your cluster nodes In this case, your SaaS environment's URL is the communication address for your OneAgent instances. You don't need to install anything additionally beforehand.

  2. Standalone OneAgent uses a Cluster ActiveGate or Environment ActiveGate In this case, you need to install a new Environment ActiveGate for your target environment. In the procedure below, use ActiveGate's address as a communication address.

To reconfigure OneAgent in place, follow the procedure below:

In your target environment:

  1. Create an access token – scope PaaS integration - Installer download.

  2. From the user menu on the right, open the interactive REST API client for Environment API v1.

  3. Run Deployment API - View connectivity information for OneAgent using the generated token as an authentication.

  4. Save the response from the API call. You'll need data from it in the next step.

  5. Sign in to your target host and use the following command to reroute OneAgent to your new Dynatrace environment:

    • Linux or AIX:
      ./oneagentctl --set-server=https://abc123456.live.dynatrace:443 --set-tenant=abc123456 --set-tenant-token=abcdefg123456790 --set-proxy=my-proxy.com
    • Windows:
      .\oneagentctl.exe --set-server=https://abc123456.live.dynatrace.com:443 --set-tenant=abc123456 --set-tenant-token=abcdefg123456790 --set-proxy=my-proxy.com

    The --set-server parameter sets a OneAgent communication endpoint. Use the IP address or name. Depending on your deployment, it can be an environment's or ActiveGate's URL. You can use formattedCommunicationEndpoints value from the API's response.

    The --set-tenant parameter sets an environment ID. You can use tenantUUID value from the API's response.

    The --set-tenant-token parameter sets the environment token, which is used to authenticate communication with the defined endpoint. You can use tenantToken value from the API's response.

    After the successful reconfiguration, the OneAgent will be restarted. For other operation options, see OneAgent configuration via command-line interface.

  6. After reconfiguring the OneAgent, you need to restart all the applications monitored with deep code modules.

  7. Go to Deployment Status and select OneAgents to check if your OneAgent appears and if monitored applications are monitored successfully. In case of an error, repeat these steps to reroute the OneAgent to the Managed environment.


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