If you deployed containerized Dynatrace ActiveGate, the easiest way to connect it to Dynatrace Managed to SaaS is reconfiguration of ActiveGate deployment.
This is a comma-separated list of the communication endpoints to be used by ActiveGate to send data to your Dynatrace environment.
To determine your communication endpoint check the value of communicationEndpoints obtained in Step 1 from the connectivity information.
Rename secretName dynatrace-tokens to dynatrace-tokens-saas to use the newly created secret with authorization data.
Update the environment parameters values:
Updated value
Rename secretName dynatrace-tokens to dynatrace-tokens-saas to use new created secret with authorization data.
Rename imagePullSecrets name from dynatrace-docker-registry to dynatrace-docker-registry-saas to use the newly created secret with Docker registry repository data.
Rename image property to point to the new SaaS tenant instead of the Managed server. Replace your Managed environment URL with your SaaS tenant URL (without https://).
To determine your environment URL, see the syntax below.