Dynatrace Premium High Availability (Premium HA) is a self-contained, out-of-the-box solution that provides near-zero downtime and allows monitoring to continue without data loss in failover scenarios. This solution requires additional licensing for your deployment.
Short outages (up to three hours) of one data center do not require any recovery actions. When unaccessible data center becomes available again, Dynatrace Managed cluster will automatically synchronize data and restore cluster operations.
For longer outages (up to three days), first make sure that cluster nodes are operational and then execute the following command sequentially on all nodes in the recovering data center:
For outages of a second data center for more than three days some data is lost and cannot be repaired. As a result, you must perform a recovery from either an operational data center, or from the backup.
To recover a data center from another data center, you will:
For detailed procedure see Rebuild data center.