Configurable properties of Dynatrace Managed

The configurable Dynatrace Managed properties are stored in the /server/conf/ file, but do not edit them in that file. It is overwritten during an update.

If you configure properties directly in /server/conf/, your custom configuration won't be preserved during an update.

Instead of editing /server/conf/, make all your edits in the custom.settings file located in the /opt/dynatrace-managed/installer directory of each cluster node. You can create the file if it doesn't already exist. During an upgrade, the installer reads custom.settings and modifies accordingly.

The custom.settings file specifies:

  • The location of the file to be modified
  • The section to modify
  • The property and value to be set

Example custom.settings edits

Suppose you have made two modifications to settings:

  • Set the connection-timeout property to 3000000
  • Set the proxy-off property to true

To preserve these settings during upgrade:

  1. Open the custom.settings file for editing.

    • File location: /opt/dynatrace-managed/installer directory of the cluster node.
    • Create the file in that location if it does not already exist.
  2. Add one line to specify the configuration file to modify during the install.


    Be sure to include the chevrons (< and >).

  3. Add two lines to specify the section, property name, and property value to be modified for connection-timeout, which is in the [settings] section.

  4. Add two lines to specify the section, property name, and property value to be modified for proxy-off, which is in the [http.client.external] section.

    proxy-off = true
  5. The resulting custom.settings file for this example should now look like this:

    proxy-off = true

With this custom.settings file placed on all of the cluster nodes in the /opt/dynatrace-managed/installer directory, every time you upgrade the node the installer will set connection-timeout to 3000000 and proxy-off to true in the, thus preserving your custom configuration.

Applies to service restarts

Dynatrace Managed also executes this custom configuration action with each restart of the Dynatrace service.