This API call gets the parameters of the specified location. The request produces an application/json
To execute this request, you need the Service Provider API (ServiceProviderAPI
) permission assigned to your API token. Generate your API token via Cluster Management Console (CMC). To learn how to obtain and use it, see Cluster API - Authentication.
The Dynatrace entity ID of the required location.
objectConfiguration of a synthetic location.
countryCode, regionCode, city parameters are optional as they can be retrieved based on latitude and longitude of location.
The actual set of fields depends on the type of the location. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Synthetic locations API v2 - JSON models.
The city of the location.
The country code of the location.
To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.
The country name of the location.
The Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
The Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
The latitude of the location in DDD.dddd
The longitude of the location in DDD.dddd
The name of the location.
The region code of the location.
To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.
The region name of the location.
The status of the location:
: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.DISABLED
: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.HIDDEN
: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN
when no monitor is assigned to it.DISABLED
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> PublicSyntheticLocationPRIVATE
-> PrivateSyntheticLocationCLUSTER
-> PrivateSyntheticLocationCLUSTER
{"city": "string","countryCode": "string","countryName": "string","entityId": "string","geoLocationId": "string","latitude": 1,"longitude": 1,"name": "string","regionCode": "string","regionName": "string","status": "DISABLED","type": "CLUSTER"}
To find all model variations that depend on the type of the model, see JSON models.
objectConfiguration of a synthetic location.
countryCode, regionCode, city parameters are optional as they can be retrieved based on latitude and longitude of location.
The actual set of fields depends on the type of the location. Find the list of actual objects in the description of the type field or see Synthetic locations API v2 - JSON models.
The city of the location.
The country code of the location.
To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.
The country name of the location.
The Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
The Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
The latitude of the location in DDD.dddd
The longitude of the location in DDD.dddd
The name of the location.
The region code of the location.
To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.
The region name of the location.
The status of the location:
: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.DISABLED
: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.HIDDEN
: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN
when no monitor is assigned to it.DISABLED
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> PublicSyntheticLocationPRIVATE
-> PrivateSyntheticLocationCLUSTER
-> PrivateSyntheticLocationCLUSTER
{"city": "string","countryCode": "string","countryName": "string","entityId": "string","geoLocationId": "string","latitude": 1,"longitude": 1,"name": "string","regionCode": "string","regionName": "string","status": "DISABLED","type": "CLUSTER"}
In this example, the request gets the details of the Amazon US East (N. Virginia) public location, which has the ID of SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-0000000000000064.
curl -X GET \ \-H 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
{"entityId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-0000000000000064","type": "PUBLIC","name": "Gdańsk","countryCode": "PL","regionCode": "EU","city": "Gdańsk","latitude": 54.399078,"longitude": 18.576557,"status": "ENABLED","cloudPlatform": "OTHER","ips": ["","","","",""],"stage": "GA","browserType": "Chrome","browserVersion": "83.0.4103.61","capabilities": ["BROWSER","HTTP"],"geoLocationId": "GEOLOCATION-0A41430434C388A9"}
In this example, the request gets the details of the Linz HTTP private location, which has the ID of SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-BB5EE23C1D48AFF5.
curl -X GET \ \-H 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
{"entityId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-BB5EE23C1D48AFF5","type": "PRIVATE","name": "Linz HTTP","countryCode": "AT","regionCode": "04","city": "Linz","latitude": 48.306351,"longitude": 14.287399,"status": "ENABLED","nodes": ["137829320"],"availabilityLocationOutage": false,"availabilityNodeOutage": false,"locationNodeOutageDelayInMillis": 3000,"geoLocationId": "GEOLOCATION-427705B3488A4C45"}