Dynatrace Managed uses two types of API tokens:
The environment token management token is the token for authentication when using the Create new Cluster token endpoint. It allows you to create a token with the TokenManagement
scope for a specified environment. This token is helpful in automating token generation for many environments.
Because of its potential security impact on the cluster and all environments within the cluster, this token is valid for only 24 hours.
To generate a token for environment token management
A cluster configuration token is a token that you use to interact with Cluster API v1 or Cluster API v2 endpoints. The following scopes are available:
To get authenticated to use the Cluster API, you need a valid API token. Access to the API is controlled by scope, meaning that you also need the proper permissions assigned to the token. See the description of each request to find out which permissions are required to use it.
To generate cluster API token
Go to Settings > API tokens.
In the Cluster tokens section, select Generate token.
Enter a name for your token.
Dynatrace provides the following permissions for API tokens. You can set them in the UI, as described above, or via Tokens API. You can assign multiple permissions to a single token, or you can generate several tokens, each with different access levels and use them accordingly—check with your organization's security policies for the best practice. We recommend to keep tokens with a dedicated single scope to limit potential damage in case of leakage.
API value
Cluster token management
Allows to access Tokens API and manage tokens.
Service Provider API
Allows access to Cluster Management API operations.
Read settings
Grants permission to read cluster settings (API v2).
Write settings
Grants permission to write cluster settings (API v2).
Select Save.
Select Copy to copy the token and paste it to a secure location.
Your API call can be authenticated in two ways: per call via an HTTP header or query parameter, or per login via the Cluster API screen.
You can authenticate by attaching the token to the Authorization HTTP header preceding the Api-Token realm.
--header 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
The following example shows authentication via HTTP header.
curl --request GET \--url https://myManaged.cluster.com/api/cluster/v1/tokens \--header 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890' \
You can authenticate by adding the token as the value of the api-token query parameter.
curl --request GET \--url 'https://myManaged.cluster.com/api/cluster/v1/tokens?limit=1000&user=Pete&permissions=ClusterTokenManagement&api-token=abcdefjhij1234567890' \