Retrieve license consumption
This API call exports license consumption data for an hour in JSON format.
To execute this request, you need the Service Provider API (ServiceProviderAPI
) permission assigned to your API token. Generate your API token via Cluster Management Console (CMC). To learn how to obtain and use it, see Cluster API - Authentication.
Response format
The request produces an application/json
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | License | Success |
400 | - | Bad request. Provided timestamp is incorrect. |
500 | - | Operation failed |
Response body objects
The LicenseConsumption
Describes an hour of license consumption for each environment in the cluster
Element | Type | Description |
clusterUuid | string | Cluster identifier |
timeFrameStart | string | Consumption data export timeframe start |
timeFrameEnd | string | Consumption data export timeframe end |
environmentBillingEntries | Environment | Environments' consumptions |
The EnvironmentLicenseConsumption
Describes license consumption for the environment
Element | Type | Description |
environmentUuid | string | Environment identifier |
visits | integer | Count of consumed user sessions |
mobileSessions | integer | Count of consumed mobile user sessions |
totalRUMUserPropertiesUsed | integer | Count of defined user session properties |
newProblems | integer | Not used |
hostUsages | Host | Monitored hosts' consumption |
downloads | Downloads | Not used |
syntheticUsages | Synthetic | Not used |
syntheticBillingUsage | Synthetic | Synthetic monitoring consumption |
customMetrics | Custom | Custom metrics consumption |
davisDataUnits | Davis | Davis Data Units consumption |
trial | boolean | Environment type flag |
internalUse | boolean | Environment is intended for internal use (e.g. self-monitoring) |
highAvailabilityCluster | boolean | Indicates if cluster has redundancy by the high availability feature. |
logStorageUsageBytes | integer | Count of Log monitoring storage usage in bytes |
logUploadVolumeBytes | integer | Count of Log monitoring upload volume in bytes |
sessionReplays | integer | Count of consumed user session replays |
mobileSessionReplays | integer | Count of consumed mobile user session replays |
The HostConsumption
Describes license consumption by the monitored host.
Element | Type | Description |
osiId | integer | Host identifier |
hostName | string | Not used |
hostCategory | string | Host unit size symbol |
agentUsages | Agent | Agent details |
infrastructureOnly | boolean | Infrastructure-only monitoring mode |
paas | boolean | Application-only monitoring mode |
passMemoryLimit | integer | Container memory limit |
vendorTypeId | integer | Platform as a Service vendor identifier |
hostMemoryBytes | integer | Host's RAM in bytes |
premiumLogAnalytics | boolean | Premium Log monitoring |
hasContainers | boolean | Host running containers |
The AgentConsumption
Describes license consumption by the OneAgent.
Element | Type | Description |
networkTraffic | integer | Not used |
agentId | integer | Agent unique identifier |
agentTypeId | integer | Agent type ID; 1 for OS agent |
agentUsageRecords | Agent | Agent activity periods within an hour |
The AgentActivity
Describes a period of time when OneAgent was actively consuming a license.
Element | Type | Description |
startTime | string | Agent running start time within an hour |
endTime | string | Agent running end time within an hour |
The DownloadsDto
Not used
Element | Type | Description |
type | string | - |
downloadCount | integer | - |
version | string | - |
firstDownloadTime | string | - |
The SyntheticUsageDto
Not used
Element | Type | Description |
monitorDefinitionId | string | - |
monitorDescription | string | - |
monitorTypeId | integer | - |
successCount | integer | - |
failureCount | integer | - |
syntheticActionCount | integer | - |
performedSyntheticActions | integer | - |
The SyntheticBillingUsageDto
Synthetic monitoring consumption
Element | Type | Description |
monitorTypeId | integer | Synthetic monitor type ID; 1 for browser monitor, 2 for HTTP monitor |
testId | integer | Unique Synthetic monitor identifier |
publicExecutions | integer | Count of executions from public locations |
privateExecutions | integer | Count of executions from private locations |
The CustomMetricDto
Custom metrics consumption
Element | Type | Description |
source | string | Custom metric definition source name |
total | integer | Count of custom metrics |
The DavisDataUnitsUsageDto
Davis Data Units consumption.
Element | Type | Description |
pool | string | Davis Data Units pool name |
total | number | Count of consumed Davis Data Units |
Response body JSON model
{"clusterUuid": "string","timeFrameStart": "string","timeFrameEnd": "string","environmentBillingEntries": [{"environmentUuid": "string","visits": 1,"mobileSessions": 1,"totalRUMUserPropertiesUsed": 1,"newProblems": 1,"hostUsages": [{"osiId": 1,"hostName": "string","hostCategory": "string","agentUsages": [{"networkTraffic": 1,"agentId": 1,"agentTypeId": 1,"agentUsageRecords": [{"startTime": "string","endTime": "string"}]}],"infrastructureOnly": true,"paas": true,"passMemoryLimit": 1,"vendorTypeId": 1,"hostMemoryBytes": 1,"premiumLogAnalytics": true,"hasContainers": true}],"downloads": [{"type": "string","downloadCount": 1,"version": "string","firstDownloadTime": "string"}],"syntheticUsages": [{"monitorDefinitionId": "string","monitorDescription": "string","monitorTypeId": 1,"successCount": 1,"failureCount": 1,"syntheticActionCount": 1,"performedSyntheticActions": 1}],"syntheticBillingUsage": [{"monitorTypeId": 1,"testId": 1,"publicExecutions": 1,"privateExecutions": 1}],"customMetrics": [{"source": "JMX, Dynatrace API","total": 1}],"davisDataUnits": [{"pool": "Metrics, Serverless Functions, Log","total": 1}],"trial": true,"internalUse": true,"highAvailabilityCluster": true,"logStorageUsageBytes": 1,"logUploadVolumeBytes": 1,"sessionReplays": 1,"mobileSessionReplays": 1}]}
In this example, you request an hour of license data on Monday, 10 January 2022 10:00:00 GMT (1641808800000)
curl -X GET ""-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8"-H "Authorization: Api-Token abcdefjhij1234567890"
Request URL
Response body
{"clusterUuid": "02ed02ed-02ed-02ed-02ed-02ed02ed02ed","timeFrameStart": 1641808800000,"timeFrameEnd": 1641812400000,"environmentBillingEntries": [{"environmentUuid": "590939093-9093-9093-9093-909390903909","visits": 323,"mobileSessions": 101,"totalRUMUserPropertiesUsed": 10,"newProblems": 0,"hostUsages": [{"osiId": -5174977934749450000,"hostName": null,"hostCategory": "L","agentUsages": [{"networkTraffic": null,"agentId": 2000000008,"agentTypeId": 1,"agentUsageRecords": [{"startTime": 1641808800000,"endTime": 1641812400000}]}],"infrastructureOnly": false,"paas": false,"passMemoryLimit": 0,"vendorTypeId": null,"hostMemoryBytes": 8538218496,"premiumLogAnalytics": true,"hasContainers": false}],"downloads": [],"syntheticUsages": [],"syntheticBillingUsage": [],"customMetrics": null,"davisDataUnits": [{"pool": "Metrics","total": 31},{"pool": "Log","total": 233},{"pool": "Events","total": 123},{"pool": "Traces","total": 15.46369},{"pool": "Serverless","total": 4}],"trial": false,"internalUse": false,"highAvailabilityCluster": false,"logStorageUsageBytes": 0,"logUploadVolumeBytes": 0,"sessionReplays": 3123,"mobileSessionReplays": 1232}]}
Response code