This API call lists all existing environments.
To execute this request, you need the Service Provider API (ServiceProviderAPI
) permission assigned to your API token. Generate your API token via Cluster Management Console (CMC). To learn how to obtain and use it, see Cluster API - Authentication.
The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response.
The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter.
When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters.
The amount of environments in a single response payload.
The maximal allowed page size is 1000.
If not set, 100 is used.
The sort order. Possible sorts orders are:
Specifies the filter of the query.
You can set one or several of the following criteria:
. The name can be either a substring or the full name of an environment. Case-insensitive.trial(true)
or trial(false)
. Only includes trial environments if true is specified or only non-trial environments if false is specified.state(ENABLED)
or state(DISABLED)
. To filter by multiple tags by applying OR logic use tag(string1,string2)
. To filter by multiple tags by applying AND logic use tag(string1),tag(string2)
To set several criteria, separate them with a comma (,
). Only results, matching all criteria, are included into response.If true, consumption information (limits, usage) is returned for each environment.
Returned usage is typically up to 1 hour old. To obtain fresher data, you can use includeUncachedConsumptionInfo parameter instead.
If true, storage information (limits, usage) is returned for each environment.
If true, uncached consumption information (limits, usage) is returned for each environment.
Up to date consumption will be calculated. Calculation may be time consuming, so it's recommended to use includeConsumptionInfo parameter instead.
If both this parameter and includeConsumptionInfo are set, includeUncachedConsumptionInfo will take priority.
objectA list of environments.
The total number of entries in the result.
The number of entries per page.
The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of null
on the last page.
Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result.
objectBasic configuration for an environment.
The display name of the environment.
The ID of the environment. Has to match [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,70}
Specifies whether the environment is a trial environment or a non-trial environment. Creating a trial environment is only possible if your license allows that. The default value is false (non-trial).
Indicates whether the environment is enabled or disabled. The default value is ENABLED.
A set of tags that are assigned to this environment. Every tag can have a maximum length of 100 characters.
The creation date of the environment in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')
Environment level consumption and quotas information. Only returned if includeConsumptionInfo or includeUncachedConsumptionInfo param is true. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Environment level storage usage and limit information. Not returned if includeStorageInfo param is not true. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limits will remain.
objectEnvironment level consumption and quotas information. Only returned if includeConsumptionInfo or includeUncachedConsumptionInfo param is true. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Host units consumption and quota information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quota will remain.
DEM units consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if DEM units is not enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
User sessions consumption and quota information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
User session properties consumption information on environment level.
Synthetic monitors consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if neither Synthetic nor DEM units is enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Custom metrics consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Custom metrics is not enabled. Not set (and not editable) if Davis data units is enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quota will remain.
Davis data units consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Davis data units is not enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Log monitoring consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Log monitoring is not enabled. Not set (and not editable) if Log monitoring is migrated to Davis data on license level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
objectHost units consumption and quota information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quota will remain.
Current environment usage.
Concurrent environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectDEM units consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if DEM units is not enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Monthly environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Annual environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectUser sessions consumption and quota information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Yearly Mobile user sessions with replay environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly Web user sessions with replay environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Monthly Mobile user sessions with replay environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Annual total User sessions environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Monthly total User sessions environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly total User sessions environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly total User sessions environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Yearly Web user sessions with replay environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly Mobile user sessions environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly Mobile user sessions environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
objectUser session properties consumption information on environment level.
Monthly environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
objectSynthetic monitors consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if neither Synthetic nor DEM units is enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Monthly environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Annual environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectCustom metrics consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Custom metrics is not enabled. Not set (and not editable) if Davis data units is enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quota will remain.
Current environment usage.
Concurrent environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectDavis data units consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Davis data units is not enabled. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Monthly environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Annual environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectLog monitoring consumption and quota information on environment level. Not set (and not editable) if Log monitoring is not enabled. Not set (and not editable) if Log monitoring is migrated to Davis data on license level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set quotas will remain.
Monthly environment consumption. Resets each calendar month.
Yearly environment consumption. Resets each year on license creation date anniversary.
Monthly environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
Annual environment quota. Not set if unlimited. When updating via PUT method, skipping this field will set quota unlimited.
objectEnvironment level storage usage and limit information. Not returned if includeStorageInfo param is not true. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limits will remain.
Transaction storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Session replay storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Symbol files from mobile apps storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Log monitoring storage usage and limit information on environment level. Not editable when Log monitoring is not allowed by license or not configured on cluster level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Service request level retention settings on environment level. Service code level retention time can't be greater than service request level retention time and both can't exceed one year.If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Service code level retention settings on environment level. Service code level retention time can't be greater than service request level retention time and both can't exceed one year.If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Real user monitoring retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Synthetic monitoring retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Session replay retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Log monitoring retention settings on environment level. Not editable when Log monitoring is not allowed by license or not configured on cluster level. Can be set to any value from 5 to 90 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum number of user actions generated per minute on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 2147483646 or left unlimited. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum number of newly monitored entry point PurePaths captured per process/minute on environment level. Can be set to any value from 100 to 100000. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
objectTransaction storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Percentage of truncation for new data.
Reason of truncation.
Maximum storage limit [bytes]
Currently used storage [bytes]
objectSession replay storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Percentage of truncation for new data.
Reason of truncation.
Maximum storage limit [bytes]
Currently used storage [bytes]
objectSymbol files from mobile apps storage usage and limit information on environment level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum storage limit [bytes]
Currently used storage [bytes]
objectLog monitoring storage usage and limit information on environment level. Not editable when Log monitoring is not allowed by license or not configured on cluster level. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum storage limit [bytes]
Currently used storage [bytes]
objectService request level retention settings on environment level. Service code level retention time can't be greater than service request level retention time and both can't exceed one year.If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectService code level retention settings on environment level. Service code level retention time can't be greater than service request level retention time and both can't exceed one year.If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectReal user monitoring retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectSynthetic monitoring retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectSession replay retention settings on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 35 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectLog monitoring retention settings on environment level. Not editable when Log monitoring is not allowed by license or not configured on cluster level. Can be set to any value from 5 to 90 days. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum retention limit [days]
Current data age [milliseconds]
Current data age [days]
objectMaximum number of user actions generated per minute on environment level. Can be set to any value from 1 to 2147483646 or left unlimited. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum traffic [units per minute]
objectMaximum number of newly monitored entry point PurePaths captured per process/minute on environment level. Can be set to any value from 100 to 100000. If skipped when editing via PUT method then already set limit will remain.
Maximum traffic [units per minute]
{"totalCount": 1,"pageSize": 1,"nextPageKey": "AQAAABQBAAAABQ==","environments": [{"name": "example environment","state": "ENABLED","tags": ["tag1","tag2"],"trial": false}]}
Lists the two newest enabled environments with their license consumption, sorted by name.
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890"
{"totalCount": 78,"pageSize": 2,"nextPageKey": "AAAAAQAAAAIBnldfkgldsjoeriKIDFL2AAABd3uuvIMBAA5zdGF0ZShFTkFCTEVEKQEADS1jcmVhdGlvbkRhdGU=","environments": [{"name": "AndroidApps","id": "be22c776-1414-00e0-a00a-00b0dcf56443321","trial": false,"state": "ENABLED","tags": [],"creationDate": "2021-02-09T11:03:17.732Z","quotas": {"hostUnits": {"maxLimit": 10,"currentUsage": 0},"demUnits": {"monthlyLimit": 50001,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"userSessions": {"totalMonthlyLimit": null,"totalAnnualLimit": null,"totalConsumedThisMonth": 0,"totalConsumedThisYear": 0,"consumedMobileSessionsThisMonth": 0,"consumedMobileSessionsThisYear": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithWebSessionReplayThisMonth": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithWebSessionReplayThisYear": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithMobileSessionReplayThisMonth": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithMobileSessionReplayThisYear": 0},"sessionProperties": {"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"syntheticMonitors": {"monthlyLimit": null,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"customMetrics": null,"davisDataUnits": {"monthlyLimit": 18162,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"logMonitoring": null}},{"name": "Service Team","id": "881c4134-0000-0a00-aa0a-5b03ab7a34ed","trial": false,"state": "ENABLED","tags": [],"creationDate": "2021-02-07T08:49:45.091Z","quotas": {"hostUnits": {"maxLimit": null,"currentUsage": 0},"demUnits": {"monthlyLimit": null,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 62},"userSessions": {"totalMonthlyLimit": null,"totalAnnualLimit": null,"totalConsumedThisMonth": 0,"totalConsumedThisYear": 0,"consumedMobileSessionsThisMonth": 0,"consumedMobileSessionsThisYear": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithWebSessionReplayThisMonth": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithWebSessionReplayThisYear": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithMobileSessionReplayThisMonth": 0,"consumedUserSessionsWithMobileSessionReplayThisYear": 0},"sessionProperties": {"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"syntheticMonitors": {"monthlyLimit": null,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 62},"customMetrics": null,"davisDataUnits": {"monthlyLimit": null,"annualLimit": null,"consumedThisMonth": 0,"consumedThisYear": 0},"logMonitoring": null}}]}