Dynatrace provides a VM extension to install OneAgent on Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS). The extension doesn't include the OneAgent installer. Instead, it uses the Dynatrace REST API to download the latest version from the cluster, unless a default OneAgent version is configured. OneAgent updates are provided automatically.
Create a PaaS token.
Determine your environment ID.
Determine your server URL if required.
The server URL is required only if you use either of the following:
(For Dynatrace SaaS, the URL is automatically generated from the environment ID.)
(the ActiveGate port is configurable)https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api
If you're using Dynatrace Managed, or if your cluster traffic should be routed through an ActiveGate, you need to configure the API endpoint used by the extension for downloading OneAgent.
The Dynatrace VM extension is available for Windows and Linux in all public Azure regions.
Run the command below.
Replace all values marked with <...>
with your actual values.
az vmss extension set--publisher dynatrace.ruxit-n "<Extension-Type>"-g "<Resource-Group>"--vmss-name "<VMSS-Name>"--settings "{\"tenantId\":\"<Environment-ID>\",\"token\":\"<API-Token>\", \"server\":\"<Server-Url>\", \"enableLogAnalytics\":\"yes\", \"hostGroup\":\"<Host-Group>\"}"
When using the Azure CLI within PowerShell, you need to format the settings as a here-string.
--settings @'"{\"tenantId\":\"<Environment-ID>\",\"token\":\"<API-Token>\"}"'@
. For Linux-based VMs, use oneAgentLinux
if you want to enable Log Monitoring.Update the VMSS virtual machines.
az vmss update-instances --instance-ids '*' --resource-group $CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP --name $SCALE_SET_NAME
To check the deployment status, go to Deployment Status.
After installation is complete, restart your applications on the VMs. Immediately after restart, OneAgent will begin monitoring them.
Alternatively to the main installation methods, you can make the Dynatrace site extension part of your ARM templates.
Place the JSON configuration for a virtual machine extension in the VMSS resource, under extensions
in extensionProfile
{"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets","sku": {...},"name": "<VMSS-Name>","apiVersion": "2018-06-01","location": "centralus","properties": {"upgradePolicy": {...},"virtualMachineProfile": {"osProfile": {...},"storageProfile": {...},"networkProfile": {...},"extensionProfile": {"extensions": [{"name": "dynatrace","properties": {"publisher": "dynatrace.ruxit","type": "<Extension-Type>","typeHandlerVersion": "<Extension-Version>","autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,"settings": {"tenantId": "<Environment-ID>","token": "<API-Token>","enableLogAnalytics": "yes"}}}]}}}}
Configure the JSON file.
{"name": "dynatrace","properties": {"publisher": "dynatrace.ruxit","type": "<Extension-Type>","typeHandlerVersion": "<Extension-Version>","autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,"settings": {"tenantId": "<Environment-ID>","token": "<API-Token>","server": "<Server-Url>","enableLogAnalytics": "yes","hostGroup": "<Host-Group>"},}}
. For Linux-based VMs, use oneAgentLinux
if you want to enable Log Monitoring.o fetch the list of extension versions, run
az vm extension image list --name oneAgentLinux --publisher dynatrace.ruxit
To check the deployment status, go to Deployment Status.
After installation is complete, restart your applications on the VM. Immediately after restart, OneAgent will begin monitoring them.
Restart the VMSS nodes via PowerShell, replacing all values marked with <...>
with your actual values:
Restart-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName "<Resource-Group>" -VMScaleSetName "<VMSS-Name>"