Integrate Dynatrace Lambda Layer on container images

As an addition to Lambda function deployment as a ZIP file, AWS Lambda offers Lambda function deployment as container images.

The container image must include the files and configuration required to run the function code. The same applies to the files and configuration of Dynatrace AWS Lambda Layer, once monitoring is enabled for the containerized Lambda function.

In a ZIP file function deployment, the Dynatrace artefacts are attached to the function with an AWS Lambda extension (which is a Lambda layer with an extension-specific folder layout).

A Lambda layer, like a function bundle, is a ZIP file extracted at function cold start time to the /opt folder of the AWS Lambda function instance.

See below for how to enable Dynatrace monitoring for a containerized Lambda function.

Step 1 Configuration

  1. Go to Trace Python, Node.js, and Java Lambda functions and follow the Configure with environment variables instructions.

  2. Open the projects Dockerfile in an editor and copy the environment variables from the deployment screen. Each line must be prefixed with ENV and spaces around the equal signs must be removed.

    ENV AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER=/opt/dynatrace
    ENV DT_TENANT=abcd1234
    ENV DT_CLUSTER_ID=1234567890

Step 2 Copy the Lambda layer configuration snippet

  1. In Dynatrace Hub, select AWS Lambda.
  2. Select Set up.
  3. On the Enable Monitoring for AWS Lambda Functions, copy the Lambda layer configuration snippet.

Step 3 Add OneAgent extension to the container image

  1. To download the contents of the Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension to the local file system, use the following code sample for dt-awslayertool or AWS CLI.

    To use the following code sample, substitute <YOUR_LAMBDA_LAYER_ARN_SNIPPET> with the copied Lambda layer snippet.

    dt-awslayertool pull <YOUR_LAMBDA_LAYER_ARN_SNIPPET> --extract DynatraceOneAgentExtension

    The following example command downloads the layer arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1 and extracts its contents to the local folder DynatraceOneAgentExtension.

    dt-awslayertool pull arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1 --extract DynatraceOneAgentExtension

    To learn more about dt-awslayertool, see Github.

  2. To copy the downloaded extension content into the container image and ensure that the shell script file /opt/dynatrace is executable, use the following Dockerfile commands.

    COPY DynatraceOneAgentExtension/ /opt/
    RUN chmod +x /opt/dynatrace

Sample Dockerfile with Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension enabled

This sample project creates a containerized Node.js Lambda function.

The project folder has the following files and folders:

├── Dockerfile
├── DynatraceOneAgentExtension
└── index.js

The content of the Dynatrace AWS Lambda Layer is assumed to be downloaded and extracted (as outlined above) to the folder DynatraceOneAgentExtension.

The handler function is exported by the index.js file:

exports.handler = async () => {
return "hello world";

The Dockerfile with the modifications applied to integrate Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension to the containerized function:

# --- Begin of enable Dynatrace OneAgent monitoring section
# environment variables copied from Dynatrace AWS Lambda deployment screen
# (prefix with ENV and remove spaces around equal signs)
ENV DT_TENANT=abcd1234
ENV DT_CLUSTER_ID=1234567890
# copy Dynatrace OneAgent extension download and extracted to local disk into container image
COPY DynatraceOneAgentExtension/ /opt/
# make /opt/dynatrace shell script executable
RUN chmod +x /opt/dynatrace
# --- End of enable Dynatrace OneAgent monitoring section
CMD [ "index.handler" ]


Monitoring via Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension on container images is supported only for images created from an AWS base image for Lambda and only for the runtimes that we support for non-containerized functions.

Additional resources

For more information on the Lambda container images, see: