Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.301

Rollout start: Sep 23, 2024

New features and enhancements

Unified ingest supports container vulnerability scan events for AWS ECR

Platform | OpenPipeline Application Security | Vulnerabilities

You can now seamlessly ingest container vulnerability scan events provided by AWS Elastic Container Registry (basic scanning and enhanced scanning) and operationalize your data on the Dynatrace platform.

Our sample dashboard can help you visualize data and identify security coverage gaps in your container image scans.

For details and instructions, see Ingest AWS ECR vulnerability findings and scan events.

Scan events are generated in addition to the vulnerability-finding events when you set up automatic ingestion with AWS CloudFormation and also for cases when no vulnerabilities have been found during a scan.

Existing users: If you already set up automatic ingestion with AWS CloudFormation (for either basic or enhanced scan), to benefit from the scan events data, you need to redeploy the updated CloudFormation template for basic scan or for enhanced scan, and use the same name for the stack.

Visibility into the origin of vulnerable .NET software components

Application Security | Vulnerabilities

Information about the origin of vulnerable components is now also available for the .NET technology in Third-Party Vulnerabilities, on the remediation tracking pages of affected entities. For details, see FAQ: Where can I see the origin of a vulnerable library?.

Document Service API

Platform | API

The Document Service API now allows you to reassign the ownership of otherwise inaccessible documents. This requires the new permission document:documents:admin.

For details on the Document Service API

  1. Go to Dynatrace.
  2. In the platform search, find and select Dynatrace API.
  3. In Select a definition in the upper-right corner, select Document Service.

Dynatrace API

To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see Dynatrace API changelog version 1.301.

Dynatrace SaaS resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.301.36)

The 1.301 GA release contains 4 resolved issues.

Dynatrace Cluster

  • Aggregation conversion to MDA has been improved for built-in and calculated service metrics. (TI-14032)
  • The throughput chart for calling/called services is fixed on the service overview page. (TI-14156)
  • On Davis events in Grail triggered by service anomaly detection, `endpoint.name` is now written as an array. (DI-16285)
  • Scrolling sensitivity in the single trace view of distributed traces has been improved. (TI-13794)

Update 37 (Build 1.301.37)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 38 (Build 1.301.38)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 40 (Build 1.301.40)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 41 (Build 1.301.41)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 42 (Build 1.301.42)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 43 (Build 1.301.43)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 45 (Build 1.301.45)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.

Update 50 (Build 1.301.50)

This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.301 release.