Event triggers are a group of triggers that you can configure to match events in the ingest pipeline to trigger a workflow.
There are three event trigger types
Event trigger
Davis problem trigger
Davis event trigger
Event trigger
The Event trigger allows you to specify a custom event filter with the help of a DQL matcher expression to define which events will trigger a workflow execution.
The following configuration parameters are available to define the triggering behavior of the Event trigger.
Event type
events are created by Dynatrace and your monitoring and platform configuration.
bizevents are business events. An external application sends the bizevents. For more information, see the /bizevents/ingest endpoint.
dt.system.events are generated by Dynatrace systems. Not all system events are eligible to trigger workflows. To find the events that can be used, look for those with the dt.openpipeline.pipelines property set using filter isNotNull(dt.openpipeline.pipelines) in a notebook.
In Filter query, you can define how to narrow down the events. The filter definition is provided in DQL matcher syntax.
optional Select Query past events to estimate the volume of matching events in your environment.
Single events
All events are evaluated in the ingest pipeline against the DQL matcher expression, event by event. A DQL matcher expression, therefore, doesn't allow the use of any aggregation or querying over a set of events.
Davis problem trigger
Davis problems are created by Davis AI based on monitoring data. The Davis problem trigger allows selectively triggering a workflow in response.
The following configuration parameters are available to define the triggering behavior of the Davis problem trigger.
Problem state
active means that the Davis problem is not closed yet.
active or closed means that the Davis problem can be both active or closed.
storage:system:read - in case of generic event trigger of type dt.system.events
storage:buckets:read - its recommended to restrict the permission to the bucket related to the event only
These permissions must be granted for any kind of user selected as an actor. In the case of an interactive user (nonsystem user), make sure that these permissions are also chosen in the authorization settings by this user. For more details, see (permission documentation for Workflows](workflows-security).
Because event triggers can occur frequently, each workflow is limited to a maximum of 1,000 event triggers per hour, per workflow.
If an event trigger exceeds this limit, no further event triggers for this workflow will run for up to an hour.
If an event trigger reaches the limit three times within seven days, the event trigger is disabled.
In either case, the limit is flagged in the Workflows overview and can be filtered for.
To remedy this situation, we recommend adjusting the event trigger configuration and reenabling the trigger.
Hints on working with workflows and event triggers
To access the event payload to parameterize tasks in your workflow, use the event()expression.
For an event trigger, Workflows will prompt the event context of the last successful execution for manually triggered workflow runs. The Workflows prompt allows you to adjust the event context for manual runs during workflow development iterations.
With Query past events in the event trigger definition, you can quickly see how many matching events were observed in the past in your environment.
Use Notebooks to explore the events in your environment and determine which events you want to leverage.
Be aware that event filter expressions only support DQL matcher syntax, which is a subset of DQL.