Istio/Envoy proxy metrics

Dynatrace version 1.255+

Istio is a platform-independent service mesh that is very popular in the Kubernetes community. Dynatrace OneAgent and ActiveGate can monitor Istio with the following observability options:

  • Distributed tracing and service-level metrics: OneAgent with code modules
  • Istio metrics and topology: ActiveGate
  • Istio logs: OneAgent log module

Alternatively, Unified services provide agentless support for Istio service meshes.

How it works

ActiveGate ingests Istio metrics and sends them to Dynatrace. Because Istio exposes metrics as Prometheus exporters, you just need to provide annotations.

Based on the labels of ingested metrics, Dynatrace also detects the Istio topology without OneAgent. This is supported with ActiveGate version 1.261+.

See Istio Service Mesh in Dynatrace Hub for details on activating the Istio extension in your environment. The recommended version is 1.1.0 or later.



  • See Prometheus metrics for ingestion prerequisites
  • Topology detection: ActiveGate version 1.261+
  • Sum and count extraction from histogram metrics: ActiveGate version 1.261+


  • Istio metrics card on Kubernetes services, workload, and namespace pages: Dynatrace version 1.255+
  • Topology (calling and called corresponding entities) on Kubernetes services, workload, and namespace pages: Dynatrace version 1.263+

Istio monitoring by OneAgent is supported for the classic full-stack, cloud-native full-stack, and application-only deployment options since Operator version 0.11.0+. Earlier versions support classic full-stack only.