
Latest Dynatrace

What you'll learn

  • Filter, format, and sort to find relevant vulnerability information.
  • Prioritize vulnerabilities based on Davis Security Score, Davis Assessment, affected and related entities, historical context.
  • Apply fixes, track remediation, drill down to the source of vulnerabilities, change the mute status of affected entities.
  • Interact with other apps and download results to share with others.

Target audience

Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities is dedicated to devsecops engineers.


An admin user needs to assign the following IAM policies to the group of users that will access the vulnerability-service:

  • Read Entities
  • Read Security Events
  • One of the following user policies: Admin User, Pro User, Standard User (for details, see Default policies.)

See below for instructions.

  1. In Account Management, select Identity & access management > Group Management.

  2. Select Group to create the group.

    add a group

  3. Enter a name (for example, vulnerability-service) and a description (for example, vulnerability-service group), then select Create.

Once the group is created, you can view details and assign policies.

  1. Select Permission.

    assign policies

  2. In the drop-down menu of Permission name, select and save the three required policies, one at a time.

Once added, the three policies should be displayed in your list of permissions.

required policies

  1. In Account Management, select Identity & access management > People.
  2. Select Invite user to invite users to the newly created group.

Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities detects if the applications in your Dynatrace environment use vulnerable libraries at runtime or vulnerable runtime to execute your code. It helps you prioritize based on context and impact, efficiently addressing remediation actions.

Vulnerability results table on the Prioritization pageView on expanding a row on the Prioritization pageDetails page of a vulnerabilityOverview of affected entities
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Try Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities and share your feedback to help us improve.

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