Dynatrace Query Language
Dynatrace Query Language (DQL) is a powerful tool to explore your data and discover patterns, identify anomalies and outliers, create statistical modeling, and more based on data stored in Dynatrace Grail storage.
DQL offers maximum flexibility because it is built for processing arbitrary event data, requiring no up-front description of the input data's schema contrary to relational databases like SQL tables.
Read how to use DQL queries to get started or explore the language.
How to use DQL
Find out how DQL works and what are DQL key concepts.
Language reference
Learn about DQL syntax in detail.
Learn DQL
Get hands-on experience with interactive tutorials on how to use DQL.
Migrating to DQL
Compare DQL to other common query languages.
DQL examples for logs
Find out what you can do with logs using DQL.
DQL examples for security data
Use DQL to query your security data on Grail.
DQL examples for business events
Find out what you can do with business events using DQL.
DQL examples for Davis problems and events
Build powerful health dashboards by slicing and dicing of Davis reported problems and events using DQL.
DQL examples for metrics
Use DQL to query your metric observability data.