The Dynatrace Query Language operates with strongly typed data: the functions and operators accept only declared types of data. The type is assigned to data during parsing or by using casting functions. DQL also recognizes value types expressed in literal notation (for example, using constant values in functions).
Boolean has only two possible values: true
and false
Literal notation
A Boolean value can be expressed using either uppercase or lowercase letters: true
, false
Converting to Boolean
to a true
Boolean value, and other values to false
to Boolean false
. Converts other numeric values to Boolean true
....| fields toBoolean("true"), toBoolean("TrUe"), toBoolean("1"), toBoolean(3), toBoolean("test"), toBoolean(0)
boolean_expr1 AND boolean_expr2boolean_expr1 OR boolean_expr2boolean_expr1 XOR boolean_expr2NOT boolean_expr
The signed long has a minimum value of -2^63 and a maximum value of 2^63-1.
Literal notation
LONG can be expressed in decimal or hexadecimal notation:
decimal: -9223372036854775808
to 9223372036854775807
hexadecimal: 0x0
Converting to Long
..| fields toLong("83457264009472472"), toLong(30), toLong(25.34)
Double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
Literal notation
decimal: 2.34
scientific: 2.4e2
Converting to Double
Converts numeric values and expressions to a double value.
...| fields toDouble("1234.5"), toDouble(4+3/2)
A reference to a point in time with the precision of a nanosecond.
The primary usage for time expressions is the specification of a custom query timeframe in the DQL query string:
fetch logs, from:-2h, to:-20m
Functions and comparison
...| fields time = toTimestamp("2022-08-01T12:00:00+01:00")| fieldsAdd time == now(), time > now()-10d, newTime = time + 3d
A specific time frame with a start time and an end time as timestamps with nanosecond precision. To execute the full query result including nanoseconds, change the visualization of the data in Notebooks to raw.
data record(tf = timeframe(from:now()-2h, to:now()))| fields tf, tf[start], tf[end]
A duration between two timestamps, consisting of an amount and a time unit.
...| fields duration = 1s
Time literals
The following time literals can be used to express durations:
: nanosecondsms
: millisecondss
: secondsm
: minutesh
: hoursd
: days1w
: weeksM
: monthsq
: quartersy
: yearsWhen you use d
in calculations, it is treated as a calendar day, otherwise it represents a duration of 24h
Calendar durations
You can use calendar durations (d
, w
, M
, q
and y
) in calculations as shown in the example below, but not as field values.
fetch logs, from: now()-1M+2w
Creating a duration
In many cases, a parsed numeric value semantically represents a duration. The duration()
function allows the creation of a field of type duration
with the intended unit using the available time literals.
...| fields dur = 62| fieldsAdd dur_ms = duration(dur, unit:"ms")| fieldsAdd dur_ms > 50ms
Converting to duration
Converting a nanoseconds value to a duration
......| fields dur = toDuration(62*1000000000*60*60*24)| fieldsAdd dur > 60d
Converting the period between timestamp1 and timestamp2 to a duration
To illustrate, we calculate the age of the latest log message seen from a specific host.
......fetch logs| filter == "HOST-DD5679D1A0C6426C"| sort timestamp desc| limit 1| fields timestamp, age_message = now()-timestamp
Sequence of characters with a specified character set.
if needed. A string can contain single quotes....| fields toString(toBoolean(1)), toString(array(1,2,3)), toString(1), toString(toTimestamp(now())), toString(toIpAddress(""))
Represents an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
A data type that is used to represent 64-bit identifiers and 128-bit identifiers.
You can use the following DQL functions to create UID
A data structure that contains a sequence of values, each identified by index.
Accessing array elements
...| fieldsAdd int_array = array(1,2,2,3,4,5)| fields first_element = int_array[0], fifth_element = int_array[4]
Comparing arrays
Only the equals operator ==
can be directly used on arrays.
...| ...| fields a=array(1,2), b=array(1,2,3), c=array("a","b"), d=toArray("c,d")| fields a == b, arraySize(b) > arraySize(c)
See the complete list of DQL array functions for further information.
A set of key-value pair data whose value can be any DQL data type.
Accessing RECORD Elements
Data elements can be accessed by the key:
...| fields person = record({name="john", age=33, address=record({city="Atlanta", pcode="30308"})})| fields person[name], person[address][pcode]
Converting to RECORD
The function record(expression,...)
converts one or more expressions returning any data type to RECORD
...| fields t = record(a=1+2,b=3,c=toString(timestamp))
Parsing JSON or key-value pair strings results in RECORD
STRUCTURE{matcher_expr, ...}:fieldnameJSON{matcher_expr, ...}:fieldnameKVP{matcher_expr, ...}:fieldname$subpattern:fieldname
Parsing Key-value pair data
...| fields str = "name=\"john\"; age=33; city=\"Atlanta\""| parse str, "KVP{LD:key'='(LONG:valueLong | STRING:valueStr)'; '?}:person"| fields person[name], person[age], person[city]
Parsing JSON data
...| fields str = "{\"type\":\"update\",\"host\":\"CI_preprod_1\",\"version\":\"10.2.2367\"}"| parse str,"JSON:event"| fields event[type], event[host], event[version]