Davis CoPilot prompt examples

Davis CoPilot can help you analyze data for many different use cases. See the examples below to understand what kind of DQL output you can expect from your prompts.

See the selected pairs to understand what kind of DQL output you can expect from your prompts.

Analyze logs with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Show me all logs

fetch logs

Show me all log lines from the last 6 hours

fetch logs, from:now() - 6h

Show me the maximum number of logs ingested per hour for each loglevel and each host

fetch logs
| makeTimeseries by:{loglevel, host = dt.entity.host}, interval:1h, count = count()
| summarize by:{loglevel, host}, max_count = max(arrayMax(count))

Compare the number of error logs from today with yesterday

fetch logs, from:bin(now(), 24h)
| filter loglevel == "ERROR"
| summarize todayErrorCount = count()
| append
fetch logs, from:bin(now(), 24h) - 24h, to:bin(now(), 24h)
| filter loglevel == "ERROR"
| summarize yesterdayErrorCount = count()

Show me all error logs over the last day with a granularity of one hour

fetch logs, from:now() - 24h
| filter loglevel == "ERROR"
| makeTimeseries interval:1h, count = count()

Show me the 5 log sources with the highest volume

fetch logs
| summarize by:{log.source}, log_count = count()
| sort log_count desc
| limit 5

Show me the most recurring log lines and add a column with the log source and AWS region

fetch logs
| summarize by:{content, log.source, aws.region}, count = count()
| sort count desc

Summarize slow database queries from logs

fetch logs, from:now() - 48h
| filter contains(content, "slow") AND contains(content, "database")
| summarize by:{loglevel, content}, count = count()

What is causing the most error log lines?

fetch logs, from:now() - 2h
| filter loglevel == "ERROR"
| summarize by:{log.source}, errorCount = count()
| sort errorCount desc
| limit 1

Analyze events with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Return all events from the last three hours

fetch events, from:now() - 3h

How many service slowdown events occurred yesterday?

fetch dt.davis.events.snapshots, from:bin(now(), 24h) - 24h, to:bin(now(), 24h)
| filter event.type == "SERVICE_SLOWDOWN"
| summarize slowdown_count = count()

Analyze business events with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Show all business events during business hours grouped by type and category

fetch bizevents
| fieldsAdd day_of_week = getDayOfWeek(timestamp), hour_of_day = formatTimestamp(timestamp, format:"HH")
| filter day_of_week >= 1 AND day_of_week <= 5 AND hour_of_day >= 9 AND hour_of_day <= 17
| summarize by:{event.type, event.category}, count()

Analyze Davis events with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Compare the number of Davis events day-by-day for the last week

fetch dt.davis.events.snapshots, from:now() - 168h, to:now()
| summarize by:{bin(timestamp, 24h)}, dailyEventCount = count()

Summarize how many and which categories of Davis events occurred

fetch dt.davis.events, from:-48h
| summarize by:{event.category}, event_count = count()

Analyze spans with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Show me the average database response time broken down by host and database

fetch spans
| filter span.kind == "client" AND isNotNull(db.system) AND isNotNull(server.address) AND isNotNull(db.namespace)
| summarize by:{host = server.address, database = db.namespace}, avg_duration = avg(duration)

Analyze metrics with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Show the three most important metrics for host HOST-12ABC

timeseries by:{dt.entity.host}, filter:dt.entity.host == "HOST-12ABC", {availability = avg(dt.host.availability), uptime = avg(dt.host.uptime), cpu_usage = avg(dt.host.cpu.usage)}
| fieldsAdd avg_availability = arrayAvg(availability), avg_uptime = arrayAvg(uptime), avg_cpu_usage = arrayAvg(cpu_usage)
| sort avg_availability desc, avg_uptime desc, avg_cpu_usage desc
| limit 3

Show each lambda function's execution time as metric timeseries

timeseries by:{dt.entity.aws_lambda_function}, avg_execution_time = avg(dt.cloud.aws.lambda.duration)

Compare last 24 hours' CPU usage with the corresponding timeframe from one week ago

timeseries from:now() - 24h, to:now(), cpu_usage_last_24h = avg(dt.host.cpu.usage)
| append [timeseries from:now() - 168h - 24h, to:now() - 168h, cpu_usage_last_week = avg(dt.host.cpu.usage)]

Show me the top ten processes with respect to memory consumption and the host they are running on

timeseries by:{dt.entity.process_group_instance, dt.entity.host}, maxMemory = max(dt.process.memory.working_set_size)
| summarize by:{dt.entity.process_group_instance, dt.entity.host}, maxMemory = max(maxMemory)
| sort maxMemory desc
| limit 10
| lookup [fetch dt.entity.host], sourceField:dt.entity.host, lookupField:id, fields:{entity.name}

Analyze entities with Davis CoPilot


Generated query

Show me the top lambda function with respect to code size

fetch dt.entity.aws_lambda_function
| sort awsCodeSize desc
| fieldsKeep awsCodeSize, entity.name
| limit 1

Show me the most tagged host groups

fetch dt.entity.host_group
| fieldsAdd tags
| expand tags
| summarize by:{entity.name}, tag_count = count()
| sort tag_count desc
| limit 10

How many Azure VMs do we have compared to ec2 instances?

fetch dt.entity.azure_vm
| summarize azure_vm_count = count()
| append
fetch dt.entity.ec2_instance
| summarize ec2_instance_count = count()

Show me the 5 shortest lived Kubernetes services

fetch dt.entity.kubernetes_service
| fieldsAdd id, entity.name, lifetime
| fieldsAdd duration = toDuration(lifetime)
| sort duration
| limit 5

How many AWS lambda functions are deployed?

fetch dt.entity.aws_lambda_function
| summarize deployed_functions = count()