Preview releases

Learn how you can participate in Dynatrace Previews.


If you're already a Dynatrace customer, you can participate in Previews and get access to new features so that we can hear your feedback and ultimately deliver features that exactly meet your needs.


  • While planned, there is no guarantee that a Preview feature will ever reach GA status, and Dynatrace may modify or terminate access to a Preview feature at any time.
  • Previewed features can be used free of charge during the Preview period, but they may consume licensing units when they reach GA status.
  • Preview features aren't meant to be used in production environments.
  • Previews aren't covered by our Support team, but rather by product management. Previews are provided by Dynatrace without any service levels, support commitments, representations, or indemnity obligations, regardless of whether specified in your subscription agreement. Dynatrace shall use commercially reasonable efforts to address reports that a Preview feature does not conform with applicable Documentation, but shall not be obligated to correct or replace any such Preview non-conformity.
  • Qualifying customers are selected based on technical criteria. Final decisions are made by product management and there is no guarantee of participation.
  • While participating in a Preview, you agree to stay in touch and provide feedback, and Dynatrace shall be free to use such feedback in any manner without restriction.
  • By participating in a Preview, you agree to contribute a quote related to your experience with the feature you are previewing. Your quote may be used by Dynatrace Marketing in a press release related to the Preview.
  • Any inconsistencies between the terms of your Dynatrace subscription agreement and these terms applicable to the Preview shall be resolved in favor of the terms detailed here.

OneAgent features

New OneAgent features are fully supported and tested as soon as they’re available. With Dynatrace version 1.242+, there isn't a distinction between OneAgent features and Troubleshooting features.

  • For new enviroments, you can activate or deactive OneAgent features (opt-in) based on the specific use case.
  • For existing environments, newly added OneAgent features still require explicit activation from users with Write settings (settings.write) permission on the builtin:oneagent.features schema. To learn how to active OneAgent features, consult the dedicated page.