Release monitoring

The software product lifecycle of a release requires careful management of release risks. Also, as more and more components and versions are deployed, the frequency of releases in your organization increases, and manually collecting release-relevant data can easily become a bottleneck in your release automation pipeline and automated software lifecycle.

Dynatrace offers a built-in release-analysis solution that helps you determine:

  • Which versions are deployed across your deployment stages and production environments based on multiple version-detection strategies.
  • The release stages of the deployed versions.
  • The changelog for a new version.
  • Known bugs and whether they're release blockers.
  • Risks related to specific versions.
  • Which version has an excessive load (for example, if you're temporarily redirecting the load with a canary deployment).
  • How the new version is behaving compared to previous versions.
  • Issue statistics related to the monitored entities.



Once you configure your software/issue tracker, you can analyze the software product lifecycle of your releases.