Vulnerability status

Vulnerability status reflects the resolution and mute status of a vulnerability or affected entity.

Potential states for vulnerabilities

  • Open: The vulnerability is active.
  • Resolved: The vulnerability was closed automatically because the root cause is no longer present. For details, see Vulnerability evaluation: Resolution.
  • Muted (Open): The vulnerability is active but all its affected entities were muted by request.

Use cases

Potential states for affected entities

  • Affected: The entity is affected by the vulnerability.
  • Resolved: The entity was closed automatically because the root cause is no longer present.
  • Muted (Affected): The entity is affected by the vulnerability but was silenced by request.
  • Muted (Resolved): The silenced vulnerability was closed automatically because the root cause is no longer present.

A muted entity that was closed automatically doesn't change its status to Resolved, but to Muted (Resolved).

Use cases

  1. In the vulnerability details, select View all process groups/View all Kubernetes nodes to navigate to the process group/Kubernetes node overview page related to the vulnerability.

  2. You have the following options:

    • Filter by Status to see the affected entities that are Affected or Resolved
    • Filter by Mute > Mute: Status to see affected entities that are Muted (Affected) or Muted (Resolved)
    • Format affected entities table by Status
    • Change the mute status of affected entities