Create a NAM monitor

Latest Dynatrace

With network availability monitors (NAM), you can check the availability of your hosts, devices, and services.

There are three types of NAM monitors: ICMP, TCP, and DNS. To learn more about them, see NAM types. You can create NAM monitors in Synthetic (new) Synthetic in latest Dynatrace or through API.


With NAM monitors, you can include more than one step.

  • Each step can contain one or multiple requests.
  • Like for HTTP and browser monitors, steps are executed sequentially.
  • Unlike for HTTP and browser monitors, NAM monitors can contain multiple requests within a single step. All requests assigned to a particular step are executed in parallel. If one request fails, it doesn't affect the execution of other requests within that step.
  • Concept of requests executed in parallel exists for NAM monitors only

For example, if you want to monitor a group of 4 hosts with an ICMP test, you want to apply the same conditions (such as frequency, location executing test, and number of packets) for each host from your group.

NAM offers you the possibility of addressing this in multiple ways:

  • You can define 4 separate tests, one per host. The benefit of this approach is that Dynatrace triggers a separate problem for each host and you can assign separate notifications for each one. You can also adjust test parameters for each host separately.

  • You can define a single test with 4 requests (within 1 step). The same ICMP checks are executed, but there will be differences in reporting and alerting. The number or percentage of hosts that are down is reported with the Requests Success rate metric. You can configure a customized threshold for failing the whole monitor. For example, if it's OK that 1 out of 4 hosts is down, because of rolling out an update, you can define it on the >=75% level. There's always a single problem generated for a monitor, yet still, it contains detailed info about hosts that don't respond. Another benefit of this approach is easier maintenance (adjusting single setting for all 4 hosts).

    Finally, filters offer defining tests against dynamically changing structure, for example if you want to define ICMP tests against a given host group, you don't need to adjust the NAM monitor test after the host group configuration change.

You need to define constraints for each monitor. Constraints are conditions that need to be met to consider the monitor’s execution successful. It is obligatory to define the Success rate constraint. See step-level constraints to learn more.

Create a NAM monitor

To create a NAM monitor in latest Dynatrace

  1. Go to Synthetic (new) Synthetic and select Create monitor.
  2. Follow the on-screen steps as outlined in the sections below.

Select type

The Create synthetic monitor page shows the types of synthetic monitor you can create.

Select Network monitor (NAM) to get started.


  • required Name this monitor—The name of the monitor as it will be displayed in the web UI (up to 500 characters).
  • required Select a protocol—Choose the monitor type: DNS, ICMP, or TCP.
  • optional Set a description—Describe your monitor.
  • optional Add tags to this monitor—To manually create a new tag, select Add tag, type the key, optionally provide a value, and select Add.

After you specify the general settings, select Continue.


The Requests section has two editing modes. You can switch back and forth between these modes.

  • default Visual—to view and configure NAM requests through web UI settings.
  • Script—to view and edit request settings as JSON. The script you provide also serves as payload for API requests.

Settings per request (you can add multiple requests) are:

  • required Request name—The name of the request.
  • required List of targets or Filter expression
    • You can provide targets for requests as an explicit list, or filter monitored hosts using a filter expression. You can also use a combination of both to fine-tune your selection.
      • If you want to provide targets as IP or domain names, use List of targets to specify a comma-separated list of targets. Use this to monitor single or multiple hosts, devices, or services.
      • If you want to select some of the monitored hosts, use Filter expression to specify a filter expression. This allows you to monitor a group of hosts that meet the filter criteria. To learn more about available filters, see target filter.
  • required Execution attributes—Execution attributes are essentially key/value pairs that are associated with your request. Define Request timeout, Number of packets, Data length, Time to live, Timeout to reply, you can also turn on or turn off Do not fragment data. Execution attributes are available for ICMP only.
  • required Constraints—Constraints are conditions that need to be met to consider monitor’s execution successful. You need to define Constraint type, Operator and value.

If you want to create another request, select Add next request and specify the above for the next request.

Use Duplicate Duplicate to duplicate a request and then edit it from that point instead of starting from scratch each time you add a request.

After you specify all requests, select Continue.

Frequency and locations

In the Frequency and locations section, specify the frequency and locations.

  • required Select frequency—You can choose a frequency (every 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 1 h) or select On demand only for manual execution.
  • required n selected locations—Specify one or more locations.

After you specify the frequency and locations, select Continue.

Outage and Performance

In Outage handling, you can enable and configure the following settings related to problem and alert generation:

  • optional "Generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable at all configured locations (global outage)."
  • optional "Generate a problem and send an alert when the monitor is unavailable only when at least two locations are assigned." Note that this option is only possible if you selected two or more locations.
  • optional "Generate a problem and send an alert on performance threshold violations."

After you specify the outage and performance settings, select Continue.


In the Summary section, verify your settings.

After you review the summary, select Save to create your monitor or Back to go back and adjust your monitor settings.

Target filter

Target filter gives an option to filter hosts monitored by Dynatrace or custom devices having IP addresses. With this filter, you can select those two types of targets based on:

  • type (type)
  • tags (tag)
  • host ID (hostId) (deprecated, works for hosts only, use entity ID instead)
  • entity ID (entityId)
  • host groups (hostGroup)
  • management zones (managementZone)
  • IP mask (ipMask)
  • IP range (ipRange)
  • process group instance (processGroupInstance)
  • network interfaces of particular custom device (interfacesOf)
  • extension name (extensionName)

IP range and IP mask are filters for hosts or devices known for the Dynatrace server, not an option to scan the network.


  • Logical operators: AND and OR (case insensitive)
  • Parentheses
  • Expression operators: == and !=
  • Tag names and values
  • Negation ("not"): !=.
  • Wildcard: * (selects all hosts monitored by Dynatrace)


  • tag == tagname or hostGroup == group1
  • (tag == tagname1:tagvalue1 or tag == tagname1:tagvalue2) and (hostGroup == group1 or managementZone == zone1)
  • tag != tagname1 and tag != tagname2:tagvalue
  • tag == tagname:tagvalue and (managementZone == zone1 or managementZone == zone2)
  • tag == "[tagwithbrackets and spaces]":"value, with, commas, and, spaces"
  • ipMask ==
  • hostId == HOST-000123
  • type == CUSTOM_DEVICE and ipMask ==
  • entityId == HOST-045BFCDA3F507D30 or entityId == CUSTOM_DEVICE-13081D4B74B3E2C8
  • type == HOST and processGroupInstance == PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE-07611353BB98908C
  • type == CUSTOM_DEVICE and interfacesOf == CUSTOM_DEVICE-E1A88946BF04D5E7
  • type == CUSTOM_DEVICE and extensionName == "Docker devices"

Performance thresholds

The performance threshold metric is compared to metric calculated for each request within monitor/step. For example, if TCP port check monitor, tests on the same host port 80 and 443 separately, Dynatrace compares threshold TCP connection establishment time twice, once for port 80 and once for port 443.

There are three performance metrics for three types of NAM monitors:

  • RTT for ICMP
  • TCP connection establishment time for TCP
  • DNS resolution time for DNS

Violating defined performance triggers a Problem (Slowdown).

Similarly to availability problems:

  • Problems are opened per monitor
  • Contains information about all requests responsible for problem

You can configure the way Dynatrace aggregates results for each packet for ICMP requests with single execution. Dynatrace supports AVG, MAX and MIN with AVG as the default method.

Define thresholds

You can define performance thresholds when configuring the request for your synthetic monitor. The defined performance threshold is the same for all requests within a single step. In cases, where there's a need to build a multi-step NAM monitor, it's possible to define various thresholds for each step.

To define thresholds

  1. Follow the steps described in Create a NAM monitor section.

  2. In the Requests step, scroll down the page and see Performance thresholds alerting section.

  3. Select Generate a problem and send an alert on performance threshold violations. check box.

  4. Turn on Advanced performance thresholds settings toggle.

    In this section you can set the Number of request executions in analyzed sliding window and the Number of violating request executions in analyzed sliding window. For de-alerting samples we require n most recent non-violating request executions.

Violation reporting

Red color annotation over performance charts indicates the period of time during which the performance threshold is raised. Additionally, a threshold is drawn on the performance chart, and you can examine which requests are above the threshold.

You may narrow down the time range only to that for which the problem was active using zoom functionality.