On-demand monitor execution via web UI is available as part of DPS license only. The retention period for data from monitor execution is 35 days.
For Non-DPS license users, monitor execution is possible via API. You can access the results for the last 6 hours.
To display a reporting page for your monitor, select View details in upper-right corner of the preview panel.
The default reporting pages consists of:
Tiles displaying information at a glance about global outages, active issues, number of affected locations, availability, total downtime, and duration.
Availability—A chart of availability over time. Availability for NAM monitors is calculated by comparing the request success rate to defined constraints. A period when availability is 0% is called an outage.
You can narrow the chart's time range to cover just the outage period. This allows you to identify, for example, requests that negatively impact availability. By default, the availability chart is collapsed when showing 0% or 100% for the whole time range. To open it, simply select Availability.
Success rate—A chart of the success rate over time, where the success rate is the percentage of all executed requests that were sucessful.
Performance—A chart of performance over time, where performance is calculated as an average for all successful requests. Note that performance metrics are not reported for failed requests.