Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Linux and containers

Linux only

App Service on Linux supports two scenarios.

  • Bring your own code

    In the code scenario, App Service provides a base container that is maintained by the platform.

    This container targets:

    • A development framework, such as .NET Core, PHP, or Node.js.
    • A version of that framework, such as .NET Core 3.0 or .NET Core 3.1.

    Follow the procedure on the Built-in image tab.

  • Bring your own container

    In the container scenario, App Service provides a host where a custom container provided by the customer can execute.

    For details on the differences between the two scenarios, see Things you should know: Web Apps on Linux.

    To monitor App Services on Linux, you need to integrate OneAgent within your containerized application.

    Follow the procedure on the Custom image tab.

Integrate Dynatrace on built-in image

Azure App Service for Linux allows you to customize its base container at runtime using a startup script or script command that must be executed in a bash shell or Azure Cloud Shell. The script can be configured in multiple ways.

Set startup script command/file at creation time using Azure CLI

az webapp create -n <my-app> -g <my-resourcegroup> -p <my-appservice-plan> --runtime <runtime-tag> --startup-file <startup-script/command>

Set script command/file at creation time for an existing App Service

az webapp config set -n <my-app> -g <my-resourcegroup> --startup-file <startup-script/command>

Set script command/file using ARM template

Use the appCommandLine property of your ARM template to set the startup script/command.

"acrUseManagedIdentityCreds": false,
"acrUserManagedIdentityId": null,
"alwaysOn": false,
"apiDefinition": null,
"apiManagementConfig": null,
"appCommandLine": "<startup-script/command>",
"appSettings": null,
"autoHealEnabled": false,
"autoHealRules": null,
"autoSwapSlotName": null,

Set startup script command/file in the Azure portal

AppService Linux Portal Startup

Script or command?

A startup script is the same as a startup command: it's a command that executes the script (remember to use the path of the script). However, this requires that you package the script along with your application. If you don't want to have this dependency, use startup commands.

The script/command is executed within the container init script, which is implemented differently on each technology stack.

For details on startup commands, see the Azure App Service for Linux documentation on What are the expected values for the Startup File section when I configure the runtime stack?

Integrate Dynatrace using a startup script/command

To integrate Dynatrace, the startup script/command needs to have access to a few variables.




Your Dynatrace API server endpoint—use either your environment cluster endpoint or an ActiveGate address.


API Token to access the Dynatrace REST API—create an API Token with the InstallerDownload scope.


Configure required code modules, depending on the used technology stack.

  • all includes all available OneAgent code modules (java, apache, nginx, nodejs, dotnet, php, go, sdk), but it increases download package size.
  • Alternatively, choose identifiers appropriate to your application stack, such as java, dotnet, nodejs, or php.

For details, see API documentation.

If you use a shell other than bash, make sure to adapt the script appropriately to the shell's character escape requirements.

You can do this in two ways.

  • App service settings recommended
  • Setting the values inline

Monitoring PHP on NGINX

To monitor both PHP-FPM and NGINX

  1. Set DT_INCLUDE to all.

  2. Use the startup script with two additional commands at the end.

    echo '/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/' >> /etc/
    /etc/init.d/nginx restart

App service settings

Set the values of the above parameters using App Settings—this is equivalent to setting environment variables—and then run this command.

wget -O /tmp/ -q && sh /tmp/

Alternatively, you can use the calling-only script below, which works for all Linux images.

readonly installerWrapperInstallationPath=/tmp/
readonly installerWrapperURL=
wget -O $installerWrapperInstallationPath -q $installerWrapperURL
sh $installerWrapperInstallationPath

Setting the values inline

You can set the needed variables only for the command that runs the OneAgent installer.

To do this, you need to set the values before the command as shown below.


Alternatively, you can use the startup file as shown below.

readonly installerWrapperInstallationPath=/tmp/
readonly installerWrapperURL=
wget -O $installerWrapperInstallationPath -q $installerWrapperURL

Example: Integrate into a node.js application using Azure CLI within a bash shell

Step 1 Configure the startup command

START_APP_CMD="pm2 start index.js --no-daemon"
az webapp config set --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $APPSVC --startup-file "$STARTUP_CMD"

Step 2 Restart the web application twice

After you configure the startup command, restart the web application twice.

  • Restart once to initialize OneAgent installation.
  • Restart again to start OneAgent instrumenting your application.

Additional configuration optional

Use additional environment variables to configure OneAgent for troubleshooting or advanced networking. You can either set them via your App Service Application settings or, when using a custom container image, configure them within your application image Dockerfile.

Networking variables




Specifies to use a network zone. For more information, see network zones.


When using a proxy, use this environment variable to pass proxy credentials. For more information, see Set up OneAgent on containers for application-only monitoring.

Additional metadata for process grouping and service detection

When listing multiple tags, you need to put them in double quotes, for example: DT_TAGS="Tag1=Value1 Tag2=Value2".




Multiple containers are sometimes detected as a single instance (localhost), leading to various problems in, for example, service detection or availability alerts. Use this environment variable to define a unique name for your container instance. For details, see Service detection and naming


Some technologies don't provide unique application names. In such cases, use this environment variable to provide a unique name. For more information, see Web server naming issues.


Applies custom tags to your process group.


Applies custom metadata to your process group.


If the process group detection rules won't work for your use case, use this environment variable to group all processes with the same value.


If the process group detection rules won't work for your use case, use this environment variable to separate process group instances.

Validating variables




Set this variable with stdout to configure the OneAgent to log errors to the console. To see additional OneAgent logs, set the log level with DT_LOGLEVELCON as follows.


Use this environment variable to define the console log level. Valid options are: NONE, SEVERE, and INFO.


Set to true or false to enable or disable OneAgent.

Update OneAgent

When an update is available, restart your application to update OneAgent.

Uninstall OneAgent

To uninstall OneAgent

  1. In Azure Portal, go to your web application > Configuration > General settings.
  2. Remove your startup command (leave Startup Command empty).
  3. Select Save.

Potential conflict with Application Insights

OneAgent may conflict with Azure Application Insights agents already instrumenting the application. If you don't see any monitoring data coming in, check if you have turned on Application Insights and re-try with Application Insights turned off.