Settings API - Anomaly detection for infrastructure- Disk Edge schema table
Anomaly detection for infrastructure: Disk Edge (builtin:infrastructure.disk.edge.anomaly-detectors)
The Disk Edge feature within Dynatrace provides automatic detection of performance anomalies related to disk infrastructure. Use these settings to tailor detection sensitivity to a specific disk's name and/or custom metadata. Defining custom properties can help with post processing of the event.
Policy Hierarchy and Scope
The order of policies establishes a hierarchical structure. Disk is assigned to a policy it matches to (based on disk name and/or metadata) according to the policies hierarchy.
Policies can be defined within Host, Host Group and Tenant scope. Lower scope has priority over the higher one.
To learn more about Disk Edge visit its official documentation.
Schema ID | Schema groups | Scope |
builtin:infrastructure.disk.edge.anomaly-detectors |
| HOST - HostHOST_GROUP - Host Groupenvironment |
GET | Managed | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:infrastructure.disk.edge.anomaly-detectors |
SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} | |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:infrastructure.disk.edge.anomaly-detectors |
To execute this request, you need an access token with Read settings (
) scope. To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Policy namepolicyName | text | - | required |
Enabledenabled | boolean | - | required |
Operating systemoperatingSystem | Set<EOperatingSystem> | Select the operating systems on which policy should be applied
| required |
Alertsalerts | Set<Alert> | - | required |
Disk name filtersdiskNameFilters | set | Disk will be included in this policy if any of the filters match Disk name filter has to match a required format.
Available logic operations:
Brackets ( and ) that are part of the matched disk name must be escaped with a tilde (~) | required |
Host custom metadata conditionshostMetadataConditions | Set<HostMetadataConditionType> | The policy will be enabled if all conditions are met Host custom metadata refers to user-defined key-value pairs that you can assign to hosts monitored by Dynatrace. By defining custom metadata, you can enrich the monitoring data with context specific to your organization's needs, such as environment names, team ownership, application versions, or any other relevant details. | required |
PropertieseventProperties | Set<MetadataItem> | Set of additional key-value properties to be attached to the triggered event. | required |
The Alert
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Triggertrigger | enum |
| required |
thresholdPercent | float | - | required |
thresholdMilliseconds | float | - | required |
thresholdMebibytes | float | - | required |
thresholdNumber | float | - | required |
sampleCountThresholdsImmediately | SampleCountThresholdsImmediately | - | required |
sampleCountThresholds | SampleCountThresholds | - | required |
The HostMetadataConditionType
Property | Type | Description | Required |
hostMetadataCondition | HostMetadataCondition | - | required |
The MetadataItem
Property | Type | Description | Required |
KeymetadataKey | text | Type 'dt.' for key hints. | required |
ValuemetadataValue | text | Type '{' for placeholder hints. | required |
The SampleCountThresholdsImmediately
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Violating samplesviolatingSamples | integer | The number of 10-second samples within the evaluation window that must exceed the threshold to trigger an event | required |
Evaluation window size for violating samplesviolatingEvaluationWindow | integer | The number of 10-second samples that form the sliding evaluation window to detect violating samples. | required |
Dealerting samplesdealertingSamples | integer | The number of 10-second samples within the evaluation window that must be lower than the threshold to close an event | required |
Evaluation window size for dealerting samplesdealertingEvaluationWindow | integer | The number of 10-second samples that form the sliding evaluation window for dealerting. | required |
The SampleCountThresholds
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Violating samplesviolatingSamples | integer | The number of 10-second samples within the evaluation window that must exceed the threshold to trigger an event | required |
Evaluation window size for violating samplesviolatingEvaluationWindow | integer | The number of 10-second samples that form the sliding evaluation window to detect violating samples. | required |
Dealerting samplesdealertingSamples | integer | The number of 10-second samples within the evaluation window that must be lower than the threshold to close an event | required |
Evaluation window size for dealerting samplesdealertingEvaluationWindow | integer | The number of 10-second samples that form the sliding evaluation window for dealerting. | required |
The HostMetadataCondition
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Key must existkeyMustExist | boolean | When enabled, the condition requires a metadata key to exist and match the constraints; when disabled, the key is optional but must still match the constrains if it is present. | required |
KeymetadataKey | text | - | required |
ConditionmetadataCondition | text | This string has to match a required format.
Available logic operations:
Brackets ( and ) that are part of the matched property must be escaped with a tilde (~) | required |