Settings API - Kubernetes workload anomaly detection schema table
Kubernetes workload anomaly detection (builtin:anomaly-detection.kubernetes.workload)
Dynatrace automatically detects a wide range of common Kubernetes-related issues. Use these settings to configure alerts relevant to your Kubernetes workload. Changing thresholds resets the observation period. Additional information can be found on our documentation page.
Schema ID | Schema groups | Scope |
builtin:anomaly-detection.kubernetes.workload |
| CLOUD_APPLICATION_NAMESPACE - Kubernetes namespaceKUBERNETES_CLUSTER - Kubernetes clusterenvironment |
GET | Managed | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:anomaly-detection.kubernetes.workload |
SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} | |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:anomaly-detection.kubernetes.workload |
To execute this request, you need an access token with Read settings (
) scope. To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
containerRestarts | ContainerRestarts | - | required |
deploymentStuck | DeploymentStuck | - | required |
pendingPods | PendingPods | - | required |
podStuckInTerminating | PodStuckInTerminating | - | required |
workloadWithoutReadyPods | WorkloadWithoutReadyPods | - | required |
notAllPodsReady | NotAllPodsReady | - | required |
highMemoryUsage | HighMemoryUsage | - | required |
highCpuUsage | HighCpuUsage | - | required |
highCpuThrottling | HighCpuThrottling | - | required |
oomKills | OOMKills | - | required |
jobFailureEvents | JobFailureEvents | - | required |
podBackoffEvents | PodBackoffEvents | - | required |
podEvictionEvents | PodEvictionEvents | - | required |
podPreemptionEvents | PodPreemptionEvents | - | required |
The ContainerRestarts
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect container restartsenabled | boolean | - | required |
configuration | ContainerRestartsConfig | Alert if | required |
The DeploymentStuck
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect stuck deploymentsenabled | boolean | Evaluates workload condition 'Progressing' | required |
configuration | DeploymentStuckConfig | Alert if | required |
The PendingPods
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect pods stuck in pendingenabled | boolean | Number of pods in | required |
configuration | PendingPodsConfig | Alert if | required |
The PodStuckInTerminating
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect pods stuck in terminatingenabled | boolean | Deleted pods in 'Running' phase | required |
configuration | PodStuckInTerminatingConfig | Alert if | required |
The WorkloadWithoutReadyPods
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect workloads without ready podsenabled | boolean | As of specific pod life cycles of different workload types, cronjobs and jobs are excluded. | required |
configuration | WorkloadWithoutReadyPodsConfig | Alert if | required |
The NotAllPodsReady
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect workloads with non-ready podsenabled | boolean | As of specific pod life cycles of different workload types, cronjobs and jobs are excluded. | required |
configuration | NotAllPodsReadyConfig | Alert if | required |
The HighMemoryUsage
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect memory usage saturationenabled | boolean | Memory usage (working set memory) is close to limits. | required |
configuration | HighMemoryUsageConfig | Alert if | required |
The HighCpuUsage
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect CPU usage saturationenabled | boolean | CPU usage is close to limits. | required |
configuration | HighCpuUsageConfig | Alert if | required |
The HighCpuThrottling
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect high CPU throttlingenabled | boolean | The CPU throttling to usage ratio exceeds the specified threshold. Important: This alert uses throttled seconds / used seconds (in millicores) in contrast to Prometheus and Grafana, which use throttled periods / total periods for the throttling ratio. | required |
configuration | HighCpuThrottlingConfig | Alert if | required |
The OOMKills
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect out-of-memory killsenabled | boolean | - | required |
The JobFailureEvents
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect job failure eventsenabled | boolean | Alerts on any occurrence of Kubernetes events with reason 'BackoffLimitExceeded', 'DeadlineExceeded', or 'PodFailurePolicy'. If 'Filter events' is enabled, make certain that you ingest events with the aforementioned reasons in order to receive alerts. | required |
The PodBackoffEvents
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect pod backoff eventsenabled | boolean | Alerts on any occurrence of Kubernetes events with reason 'BackOff', as observed on pod statuses 'ImagePullBackOff', and 'CrashLoopBackOff'. If 'Filter events' is enabled, make certain that you ingest events with the aforementioned reasons in order to receive alerts. | required |
The PodEvictionEvents
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect pod eviction eventsenabled | boolean | Eviction is the process of terminating one or more pods on a node to free up resources. Alerts on any occurrence of Kubernetes events with reason 'Evicted'. If 'Filter events' is enabled, make certain that you ingest events with the aforementioned reasons in order to receive alerts. | required |
The PodPreemptionEvents
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect pod preemption eventsenabled | boolean | Preemption is the process of terminating pods with lower priority so that pods with higher priority can be scheduled on a node. Alerts on any occurrence of Kubernetes events with reason 'Preempted', or 'Preempting'. If 'Filter events' is enabled, make certain that you ingest events with the aforementioned reasons in order to receive alerts. | required |
The ContainerRestartsConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
there is at leastthreshold | integer | - | required |
per minute, for anysamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The DeploymentStuckConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
workload stops progressing for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The PendingPodsConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
there is at leastthreshold | integer | - | required |
stuck in pending state for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The PodStuckInTerminatingConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
pod termination stops progressing for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The WorkloadWithoutReadyPodsConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
workload has no ready pods for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The NotAllPodsReadyConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
some workload pods are not ready for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The HighMemoryUsageConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
amount of utilized workload memory is abovethreshold | integer | - | required |
of defined memory limits for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The HighCpuUsageConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
amount of utilized workload CPU is abovethreshold | integer | - | required |
of defined CPU limits for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
The HighCpuThrottlingConfig
Property | Type | Description | Required |
amount of CPU throttling is abovethreshold | integer | - | required |
of CPU usage for at leastsamplePeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |
within the lastobservationPeriodInMinutes | integer | - | required |