Anomaly detection for databases (builtin:anomaly-detection.databases)
Dynatrace automatically detects database-service related performance anomalies such as response time degradations and failure rate increases.
Use these settings to configure detection sensitivity, set alert thresholds, or disable alerting for certain services. Read more about Automated multi-dimensional baselining .
To avoid false-positive problem notifications, automated anomaly detection is only available for applications and services that have run for at least 20% of a week (7 days).
Schema ID Schema groups Scope builtin:anomaly-detection.databases
- Request
- Service
- Host Group
Retrieve schema via Settings API GET Managed https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:anomaly-detection.databases
SaaS https://{your-environment-id}
Environment ActiveGate https://{your-activegate-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:anomaly-detection.databases
Authentication To execute this request, you need an access token with Read settings (
) scope. To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication .
Parameters Property Type Description Required Response timeresponseTime
responseTime - required Failure ratefailureRate
failureRate - required Service load dropsloadDrops
loadDrops Alert if the observed load is lower than the expected load by a specified margin for a specified amount of time.
Dynatrace learns your typical service load over an observation period of one week.
required Service load spikesloadSpikes
loadSpikes Alert if the observed load exceeds the expected load by a specified margin for a specified amount of time.
Dynatrace learns your typical service load over an observation period of one week.
required Database failed connectsdatabaseConnections
databaseConnections Alert if the number of failed database connects within the specified time exceeds the specified absolute threshold:
The responseTime
object Property Type Description Required Detect response time degradationsenabled
boolean - required Detection mode for response time degradationsdetectionMode
enum The element has these enums required autoDetection
responseTimeAuto - required fixedDetection
responseTimeFixed - required
The failureRate
object Property Type Description Required Detect increases in failure rateenabled
boolean - required Detection mode for increases in failure ratedetectionMode
enum The element has these enums required autoDetection
failureRateAuto Alert if the percentage of failing service calls increases by both the absolute and relative thresholds:
required fixedDetection
failureRateFixed Alert if a given failure rate is exceeded during any 5-minute-period
The loadDrops
object Property Type Description Required Detect service load dropsenabled
boolean - required ThresholdloadDropPercent
float - required Time spanminutesAbnormalState
integer - required
The loadSpikes
object Property Type Description Required Detect service load spikesenabled
boolean - required ThresholdloadSpikePercent
float - required Time spanminutesAbnormalState
integer - required
The databaseConnections
object Property Type Description Required Detect failed database connectsenabled
boolean - required ThresholdmaxFailedConnects
integer - required Time spantimePeriod
integer - required
The responseTimeAuto
object Property Type Description Required All requestsresponseTimeAll
responseTimeAutoAll Alert if the median response time of all requests degrades beyond both the absolute and relative thresholds:
required Slowest 10%responseTimeSlowest
responseTimeAutoSlowest Alert if the response time of the slowest 10% of requests degrades beyond both the absolute and relative thresholds:
required Avoid over-alertingoverAlertingProtection
overAlertingProtection - required
The responseTimeFixed
object Property Type Description Required All requestsresponseTimeAll
responseTimeFixedAll Alert if the median response time of all requests degrades beyond this threshold within an observation period of 5 minutes:
required Slowest 10%responseTimeSlowest
responseTimeFixedSlowest Alert if the response time of the slowest 10% of requests degrades beyond this threshold within an observation period of 5 minutes:
required Avoid over-alertingoverAlertingProtection
overAlertingProtection - required Sensitivitysensitivity
enum The element has these enums required
The failureRateAuto
object Property Type Description Required Absolute thresholdabsoluteIncrease
float - required Relative thresholdrelativeIncrease
float - required Avoid over-alertingoverAlertingProtection
overAlertingProtection - required
The failureRateFixed
object Property Type Description Required Thresholdthreshold
float - required Avoid over-alertingoverAlertingProtection
overAlertingProtection - required Sensitivitysensitivity
enum The element has these enums required
The responseTimeAutoAll
object Property Type Description Required Absolute thresholddegradationMilliseconds
float - required Relative thresholddegradationPercent
float - required
The responseTimeAutoSlowest
object Property Type Description Required Absolute thresholdslowestDegradationMilliseconds
float - required Relative thresholdslowestDegradationPercent
float - required
The overAlertingProtection
object Property Type Description Required Only alert if there are at leastrequestsPerMinute
float - required Only alert if the abnormal state remains for at leastminutesAbnormalState
integer - required
The responseTimeFixedAll
object Property Type Description Required ThresholddegradationMilliseconds
float - required
The responseTimeFixedSlowest
object Property Type Description Required ThresholdslowestDegradationMilliseconds
float - required