Migrate from Log Monitoring API v1 to Logs On Grail API

Log Monitoring API v1 has been deprecated with Dynatrace version 1.284. Its replacement is Logs On Grail API. We recommend that you migrate to the new API at your earliest convenience.

The migration affects endpoint URLs, query parameters, and response/request body parameters, as well as the scope of the token for request authentication.

To be authenticated to use the Logs on Grail API, you need a valid bearer token. The access to the API is fine-grained, meaning that you also need the proper permissions assigned to the token. The bearer token authenticates you via an OAuth2 client as a service user who is granted access the to API. To obtain a token, you must create an OAuth2 client and then request the token from it.

New features

Logs On Grail API offers you the following new features:

  • You can search log data that match provided DQL query in the whole Grail storage.
  • You can ingest log data using REST API.


The ingestion of log events consumes Davis Data Units (DDUs) from the logs pool.

Base URL

Logs On Grail API new

  • /platform/storage/query/v1/
  • /api/v2/logs/ingest

Log Monitoring v1 old

  • /api/v1/entity/infrastructure/custom-devices
  • /api/v1/entity/infrastructure/hosts
  • /api/v1/entity/infrastructure/process-groups

Authentication token scope

Read logs (storage:logs:read and storage:buckets:read)
Ingest logs (storage:logs:write)
List, get, analyse logs of custom devices, hosts or process groups (LogExport)


Here are some examples of differences in API usage.

Retrieve host OS system log file names

Find process group file log records for a given query

Find number of occurrences of some attributes of a process group file log records