Triggers a batch execution of synthetic monitors.
The request consumes and produces an application/json
POST | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/synthetic/executions/batch |
To execute this request, you need an access token with one of the following scopes:
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The JSON body of the request. Contains the parameters of the triggered on-demand execution.
objectContains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.
If true, the execution will fail in case of performance issue.
Applies to HTTP monitors only. If true, the execution will fail in case of an SSL certificate expiration warning or if the certificate is missing.
Contains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.
String to string map of metadata properties for execution
The execution's processing mode
If true, no executions will be scheduled if a problem occurs.
If true, the screenshots will be taken during the execution of a browser monitor.
objectContains parameters for the on-demand execution of monitors identified by tags, applications, or services.
List of application identifiers. Only monitors with all applications assigned will be executed.
The locations from where monitors are to be executed.
List of service identifiers. Only monitors with all services assigned will be executed.
List of tags. Only monitors with all tags assigned will be executed.
objectContains monitors to be executed on demand from the locations specified.
Customized script properties for this on-demand batch execution.
The number of times the monitor is to be executed per location; if not set, the monitor will be executed once.
The locations from where the monitor is to be executed.
The monitor identifier.
Execution repeat mode. If not set, the mode is SEQUENTIAL.
This is a model of the request body, showing the possible elements. It has to be adjusted for usage in an actual request.
{"failOnPerformanceIssue": false,"failOnSslWarning": true,"group": {"applications": ["APPLICATION-CD4BEF05FA9DD044"],"services": ["SERVICE-01C6C1282960638B","SERVICE-B18840B4E3115C1A"],"tags": ["tag-production","another-tag"]},"metadata": {"key": "value","version": "1.255.20221022"},"monitors": [{"customizedScript": {"requests": [{"sequenceId": "1","url": "","validation": {"rules": [{"passIfFound": "true","type": "httpStatusesList","value": "=201"}]}}]},"executionCount": 3,"locations": ["SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-9BB04DAEBA71B8CA","SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-ACCA399FAA1194DD"],"monitorId": "HTTP_CHECK-6349B98E1CD87352","repeatMode": "SEQUENTIAL"}],"processingMode": "EXECUTIONS_DETAILS_ONLY","stopOnProblem": true,"takeScreenshotsOnSuccess": true}
objectThe result of on-demand synthetic monitor execution.
The batch identifier of the triggered executions.
The total number of the triggered executions within the batch.
The total number of problems within the batch.
List with the entities for which triggering problems occurred.
objectContains the list of on-demand executions of the monitor.
The monitor identifier.
objectContains details of the triggered on-demand execution.
The execution's identifier.
The identifier of the location from which the monitor is to be executed.
objectContains the details of problems encountered while triggering on-demand executions.
The cause of not triggering entity.
The details of triggering problem.
The entity identifier.
The execution identifier.
The location identifier.
{"batchId": "22396514015719218","triggered": [{"executions": [{"executionId": "1069999568093682590","locationId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-9BB04DAE11123122"}],"monitorId": "HTTP_CHECK-69A9B98E1CD87352"}],"triggeredCount": 1,"triggeringProblemsCount": 4,"triggeringProblemsDetails": [{"cause": "Location not found","entityId": "HTTP_CHECK-6349B98E1CD87352","locationId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCAT-9BB04DAEBA71B8CA"},{"cause": "Monitor not found","entityId": "HTTP_CHECK-6349B98E1CD85432"},{"cause": "Incorrect monitor identifier format","entityId": "HTTP_HACK-AAAAAAA"},{"cause": "Incorrect application identifier format","entityId": "APPLICATION-WRONG"}]}