Dynatrace Managed release notes version 1.182

New features and enhancements

Product news

Product news

  • Easily measure and manage user experience with more flexible Apdex calculations

    Accelerated delivery is one of the key principles of good user experience, and improved user experience leads to a better bottom line for companies. Customers enjoy using your digital channels more and buy more from your company. One recent public example is Zalando, a German retailer. By improving their load time by 100 ms, they […]

  • Next generation Dynatrace Davis AI becomes the default causation engine

    In today’s increasingly complex environments, it’s simply impossible for a human operator to manually follow the highly dynamic nature of transactions within microservices and serverless functions. Even the best baseline approaches come with a tiny percentage of false-positive alerts, the number being directly proportional to the number of components you’re monitoring. Back during Perform 2019, […]

  • Build apps your customers love and grow your business with Dynatrace mobile monitoring

    Want to make your customers love your app? You need a smart approach to mobile app monitoring—Dynatrace monitoring for mobile apps provides comprehensive insights from mobile to back-end services, enabling you to provide great user experience for your apps and ultimately grow your business. We’re continuously adding support for new technologies like Apple tvOS while […]

  • Latest management zone update improves collaboration for Synthetic Monitoring

    Dynatrace management zones provide an effective means of collaborating across teams by enabling you to define fine-grained access control to specific segments of monitoring data. Synthetic monitors (both HTTP and browser) can be assigned to management zones based either on their names or tags. Until now, users had to have the Change monitoring settings permission […]

  • Save build time and make life easier with the new Android auto-instrumentation

    It’s only been a few months since we announced the Preview program for our super-fast Android auto-instrumentation—a great enhancement that’ll make your monitoring life easier and save you a lot of build time. More than 40 customers have joined the program and provided their feedback. Today we’re happy to announce that Dynatrace Android auto-instrumentation is […]

Receive notifications when your Cluster ActiveGates become outdated

Cluster ActiveGates serve various purposes in large-scale deployments. A Cluster ActiveGate acts most commonly as a proxy that routes traffic between externally deployed Dynatrace OneAgents and your cluster. Cluster ActiveGates are also used for Synthetic Monitoring and Real User Monitoring. As Cluster ActiveGate is a critically important component of your deployment, it's important that it remains up-to-date with the latest features and security improvements. Since version 1.182, Cluster Management Console provides the following notifications when Cluster ActiveGates become outdated:

  • Warning icon on respective tiles and a warning banner beneath the menu bar when a Cluster ActiveGate is more than 5 versions behind the cluster version

    Update status tile available at Cluster ActiveGate details page

    Update notification

  • Error status on respective tiles and an error banner beneath the menu bar when a Cluster ActiveGate is earlier than version 1.154

    Cluster Management Console with deprecated Cluster ActiveGates

To update a Cluster ActiveGate, download the installer from Cluster Management Console and run the installation. For more information, see How to install a Cluster ActiveGate.

What's next?

In upcoming releases we'll enable a single-click update option for Cluster ActiveGate and automatic updates, to save you time and effort. Read Environment ActiveGates can now be updated with a single click on our blog to learn about this feature, which is already available for Environment ActiveGates.

Other changes

  • Managed JVM-based services were updated with -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 arguments during startup to better support logging messages.
  • Insufficient disk space cluster event message was updated. Every time it is triggered, it sends an e-mail notification to cluster administrators.
  • For large LDAP deployments, the configuration test was optimized to provide feedback in a reasonably short time.
  • Upgrade time of a single-node cluster deployment was improved.

Resolved issues

Dynatrace Managed General Availability (Build .182)

The Dynatrace Managed .182 GA release contains 7 resolved issues.


  • Fixed: user preference for session replay toggle on environment level were not preserved. (APM-198022)


  • "Login failed" event is not generated for log-in failures. (APM-202443)
  • User accounts can now be sorted by "Assigned groups". (APM-202681)
  • Expired trial environments will now be correctly unblocked when upgrading them to standard environments. (APM-206775)

ON-PREM Console

  • Cluster version is now correctly checked during upgrade - necessary for enabling/disabling Log Monitoring free tier. (APM-202729)
  • Link from the invitation email should always point to latest GA version, not to the one from email generation time. (APM-204249)

Installer and Upgrade

  • "/opt/dynatrace-managed/tmp-bin" is not cleaned anymore if any Dynatrace process using this directory is not about to be restarted during upgrade. (APM-208937)

Dynatrace SaaS General Availability (Build .181)

The Dynatrace SaaS .181 GA release contains 10 resolved issues.

ComponentResolved issues
Core UI1


  • Don't consider the RUM default application in application detection for browser monitors. (APM-203087)
  • Session replay and rage detection settings are no longer removed with configuration updates via Web Application Configuration rest API. (APM-204148)
  • Corrected link to Android instrumentation documentation. (APM-207338)


  • Fix inconsistencies in count value units. (APM-202244)
  • On Azure dashboard - unhealthy services were not marked red on a list of app services and functions. (APM-202734)
  • There might have been exception screen displayed in rare cases for .net process. (APM-203288)
  • Fix problem with correct identification of PaaS host. (APM-204374)
  • Fix scaling problem with plugin-origin charts that contain series based on the same timeseries. (APM-204486)
  • DB Insights, most time consuming Oracle statements - per SQL Query graphs would not match the totals displayed for this query in the table row. Graph data would be trimmed to match the UI timeframe. While the table data would match an expanded timeframe covered by the metric store. So the graphs would display less data than was summarized in a table row. The timeframe expansion performed by the metric store is a result of lowering data granularity. Eg if 1-hour granularity is available for a given timeframe and the requested timeframe would not match 1-hour slot boundries exactly, the timeframe would be implicitly expanded by the metric store to cover all the partially matching timeslots. So requesting a 1 hour 30 minute timeframe where 1 hour granularity is available 2 hours' data would be returned. (APM-196732)

Core UI

  • Environments filter does not find all matching entries. (APM-202584)

Dynatrace SaaS General Availability (Build .182)

The Dynatrace SaaS .182 GA release contains 9 resolved issues.

ComponentResolved issues
Core UI2
Log Analytics1


  • For HTTP monitors assigned to management zone save button was disabled. (APM-205029)
  • Problem occurred while viewing HTTP monitor data, and searching for a different one (in global search). After clicking to see different monitor data, page was not refreshed. (APM-205033)
  • Network overview - Fix misleading message about applied filters. (APM-204460)
  • Fixed problem with accessing agents deployment status with limited access rights. (APM-206189)
  • Fix problem with no plugin metrics visible for host plugin with only keyCharts defined (and no keyMetrics nor charts). (APM-206387)

Core UI

  • Fixed Session Details page request not triggered when changing a management zone. (APM-203030)
  • Fixed shifting by an additional minute when switching the global time frame with arrows. (APM-206604)

Log Analytics

  • Improved suggestion panels overlay behaviour in Log Viewer. (APM-204986)


  • Fixes correlation of user action timings when connected actions are sent with more than one beacon signal from the JavaScript Agent. (APM-205419)