This API call creates a new private synthetic location. For more details about synthetic location creation, see Create a private Synthetic location. The request consumes and produces an application/json
To execute this request, you need the Service Provider API (ServiceProviderAPI
) permission assigned to your API token. Generate your API token via Cluster Management Console (CMC). To learn how to obtain and use it, see Cluster API - Authentication.
To find all model variations that depend on the type of the model, see JSON models.
The JSON body of the request. Contains parameters of the new private synthetic location.
objectConfiguration of a private synthetic location.
Some fields are inherited from the base SyntheticLocation object.
Auto upgrade of Chromium is enabled (true
) or disabled (false
Alerting for location outage is enabled (true
) or disabled (false
). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
Alerting for node outage is enabled (true
) or disabled (false
). \n\n If enabled, the outage of any node in the location triggers an alert. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
Notifications for location and node outage are enabled (true
) or disabled (false
). Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
The city of the location.
The country code of the location.
To fetch the list of available country codes, use the GET all countries request.
The country name of the location.
The deployment type of the location:
: The location is deployed on Windows or Linux.KUBERNETES
: The location is deployed on Kubernetes.KUBERNETES
The Dynatrace entity ID of the location.
The Dynatrace GeoLocation ID of the location.
The latitude of the location in DDD.dddd
Alert if location or node outage lasts longer than X minutes. \n\n Only applicable when availabilityLocationOutage
or availabilityNodeOutage
is set to true
. Supported only for private Synthetic locations.
The longitude of the location in DDD.dddd
Boolean value describes if icmp monitors will be executed on this location:
: Icmp monitor executions disabled.true
: Icmp monitor executions enabled.The name of the location.
A mapping id to name of the nodes belonging to the location.
A list of synthetic nodes belonging to the location.
You can retrieve the list of available nodes with the GET all nodes call.
The region code of the location.
To fetch the list of available region codes, use the GET regions of the country request.
The region name of the location.
The status of the location:
: The location is displayed as active in the UI. You can assign monitors to the location.DISABLED
: The location is displayed as inactive in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. Monitors already assigned to the location will stay there and will be executed from the location.HIDDEN
: The location is not displayed in the UI. You can't assign monitors to the location. You can only set location as HIDDEN
when no monitor is assigned to it.DISABLED
Boolean value describes which kubernetes version will be used:
: Version 1.23+ that is older than 1.26true
: Version 1.26+.This is a model of the request body, showing the possible elements. It has to be adjusted for usage in an actual request.
{"autoUpdateChromium": true,"availabilityLocationNodeOutageDelayInMinutes": 5,"availabilityLocationOutage": false,"availabilityNodeOutage": false,"availabilityNotificationsEnabled": true,"city": "Linz","countryCode": "AT","deploymentType": "STANDARD","latitude": 48.306351,"longitude": 14.287399,"maxActiveGateCount": 5,"minActiveGateCount": 2,"namExecutionSupported": false,"name": "Linz Location","nodeNames": {"93302281": "ActiveGate 1"},"nodeSize": "S","nodes": ["93302281"],"regionCode": "04","status": "ENABLED","type": "PRIVATE","useNewKubernetesVersion": true}
Success. The private location has been created. The response contains the ID of the new location.
objectA DTO for synthetic Location IDs.
Entity ID to be transferred
GeoLocation ID to be transferred
{"entityId": "string","geoLocationId": "string"}
In this example, the request creates a new private Synthetic location. This location lies in Linz, Austria. It uses the synthetic node with the ID of 290433380.
The API token is passed in the Authorization header.
You can download or copy the example request body to try it out on your own. Be sure to replace the list of nodes with nodes available in your environment. You can fetch the list of available nodes with the GET all nodes request.
curl -L -X POST '' \-H 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-raw '{"type": "PRIVATE","name": "REST example - Linz","countryCode": "AT","city": "Linz","status": "ENABLED","latitude": 48.306351,"longitude": 14.287399,"nodes": ["290433380"],"availabilityLocationOutage": false,"availabilityNodeOutage": false,"locationNodeOutageDelayInMillis": 5000}'
{"type": "PRIVATE","name": "REST example - Linz","countryCode": "AT","city": "Linz","status": "ENABLED","latitude": 48.306351,"longitude": 14.287399,"nodes": ["290433380"],"availabilityLocationOutage": false,"availabilityNodeOutage": false,"locationNodeOutageDelayInMillis": 5000}
{"entityId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-493122BFA29674DC","geoLocationId": "GEOLOCATION-96B57899C9B5A3C7"}