This API call retrieves a list of cluster users that currently exist in cluster.
To execute this request, you need the Service Provider API (ServiceProviderAPI
) permission assigned to your API token. Generate your API token via Cluster Management Console (CMC). To learn how to obtain and use it, see Cluster API - Authentication.
The request doesn't provide any configurable parameters.
objectThe configuration of the user.
User's email address
User's first name
List of user's user group IDs.
User ID
User's last name
User's password in a clear text; used only to set initial password
[{"email": "string","firstName": "string","groups": ["string"],"id": "string","lastName": "string","passwordClearText": "string"}]
In this example, you retrieve all users that currently exist in your Dynatrace Managed cluster. For each user, you get a detailed information and groups membership.
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"
[{"id": "john.wicked","email": "","firstName": "John","lastName": "Wicked","passwordClearText": null,"groups": ["owners","users"]},{"id": "anne.brown","email": "","firstName": "Anne","lastName": "Brown","passwordClearText": null,"groups": ["users"]}]