Monitor Prometheus metrics

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit which is popular in the Kubernetes community. Prometheus scrapes metrics from a number of HTTP(s) endpoints that expose metrics in the OpenMetrics format. See the list of available exporters in the Prometheus documentation.

Prometheus Metric Type Ingest

Dynatrace is able to ingest Prometheus metrics Counter, Gauge, Histogram and Summary in Kubernetes using Prometheus exporters and makes them available for charting, alerting and analysis.


The Prometheus counter metric1 is a monotonically increasing value typically used for measurements that can only increase or remain constant. Dynatrace uses its COUNT metric type, which uses delta encoding2 in order to reduce data redundancy, for data ingestion. As such, the value displayed in Dynatrace does not reflect the actual counter value, but instead its change, or delta, over observations.

This method results in a counter metric appearing one minute delayed in contrast to a Gauge metric if scraping for both metrics started simultaneously. For details, see the metric ingestion protocol reference.

Ingesting Counter metrics

The delta encoding used by the Dynatrace COUNT ingestion type means that the ingested value does not reflect the actual value, but the difference between measurements.


Delta encoding, also known as delta-compression, stores data by computing the difference between two observations or target values. Primarily used for seldomly changing data, the method avoids data redundancy.


In contrast to Counter, the gauge metric1 stores a single numerical value which can increase and decrease and is typically used for measured values such as current memory usage or number of users online. In Dynatrace, the GAUGE metric type will be used for data ingest.


Histograms1 provide visual insights into the distribution and frequency of numerical data. For a base metric name of <basename>, Dynatrace will ingest the data according to the following table.

Prometheus Metric

Dynatrace Ingest Type

<basename>_bucket{le="<upper inclusive bound>"}



Additional flexibility and control is provided via the builtin:histogram-metrics settings schema. This schema allows to configure the ingestion of <basename>_bucket{le="<upper inclusive bound>"} metrics.


Like a Histogram, the summary metric1 samples observations. In contrast to the histogram metric, a summary's buckets are represented by φ-quantiles where 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1. For a base metric name of <basename>, Dynatrace will ingest the data according to the following table.

Prometheus Metric

Dynatrace Ingest Type





The following types are currently not supported by Dynatrace:

  • info, gaugehistogram or stateset metrics
  • exemplars


We recommend using an ActiveGate that is running inside the Kubernetes cluster which you want to scrape Prometheus metrics from. If the ActiveGate is running outside the monitored cluster (for example, in a virtual machine or in a different Kubernetes cluster), it won't be able to scrape any Prometheus endpoints on pods which require authentication (such as RBAC or client authentication). ActiveGates running inside the clusters will also provide performance improvements.

  • In Dynatrace, go to your Kubernetes cluster monitoring settings page and enable

    • Monitor Kubernetes namespaces, services, workloads, and pods
    • Monitor annotated Prometheus exporters
  • Annotated pod definitions. For details, see below.

  • Verify that your network policies allow the ActiveGate to connect to the exporters.

    For example, if you deployed the ActiveGate in your Kubernetes cluster using the Dynatrace Operator and you have annotated Prometheus exporters in the namespace online-boutique, and you also have a network policy defined for this namespace, you need to make sure that the ActiveGate pod, located in the dynatrace namespace, can connect to the annotated Prometheus exporters in the online-boutique namespace.

Annotate Prometheus exporter pods

Dynatrace collects metrics from any pods that are annotated with a property set to true in the pod definition. This functionality applies to all pods across the entire Kubernetes cluster, regardless of whether the pod is running in a namespace that matches the Dynakube's namespace selector.

Depending on the actual exporter in a pod, you might need to set additional annotations to the pod definition in order to allow Dynatrace to properly ingest those metrics.

Enable metrics scraping required

Set to true to enable Dynatrace to collect Prometheus metrics exposed for this pod.

Metrics port required

By default, Prometheus metrics are available at the first exposed TCP port of the pod. Set to the respective port.

To determine the port value, see Default port allocations for a list of common ports for known exporters.

Path to metrics endpoint optional

Use to override the default (/metrics) Prometheus endpoint.

HTTP/HTTPS optional

Set to true if you want to collect metrics that are exposed by an exporter via HTTPS. The default value is false, because most exporters expose their metrics via HTTP.

If you want to skip verification of the TLS certificate (for example, if you use self-signed certificates), you can set the annotation to true. This annotation, however, is only considered when using an ActiveGate deployed inside the monitored cluster and the Kubernetes connection settings configured to monitor the local Kubernetes API endpoint.

Filter metrics optional

Use to define a filter that allows you to include ("mode": "include") or exclude ("mode": "exclude") a list of metrics. If no filter annotation is defined, all metrics are collected. The filter syntax also supports the asterisk (*). This symbol allows you to filter metrics keys that begin with, end with, or contain a particular sequence, such as:

  • redis_db* filters all metrics starting with redis_db
  • *insights* filters all metrics containing insights
  • *bytes filters all metrics ending with bytes

Using the * symbol within a filter, such as redis_*_bytes, is not supported.

The filter is applied to the raw metric key, so it's important to know that Dynatrace automatically appends suffixes to some metric keys, depending on the original metric key and metric type. For details, see Payload.

For summary and histogram, the filter is applied to the whole metric family, as stated in the #TYPE line of OpenMetrics format. For example, if the summary metric family foo_seconds is filtered, all the metric points, including foo_seconds_count and foo_seconds_sum, are filtered. Conversely, if foo_seconds_count is stated as a filter, nothing is filtered because there's no such metric family.

This example shows how to use the filter syntax in a pod definition with annotations:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
annotations: 'true' '/path/to-metrics' '9001' 'false' |
"mode": "include",
"names": [
- name: mycontainer
image: myregistry/myimage:mytag

The values of,, and depend on the exporter being used; adapt them to your requirements. To determine the port value, see Default port allocations for a list of common ports for known exporters.

Client authentication optional

Requirements: Add the permissions to access secrets and configmaps for the dynatrace-kubernetes-monitoring ClusterRole.

Some systems require extra authentication before Dynatrace can scrape them. For such cases, you can set the following additional annotations:


The required certificates/keys are automatically loaded from secret/configmaps specified in the annotation value.
The schema for the annotation values is <configmap|secret>:<namespace>:<resource_name>:<field_name_in_data_section>.

For example, the annotations could look as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
annotations: 'true' '/path/to-metrics' '9001' 'false' 'configmap:kubernetes-config:etcd-metric-serving-ca:ca-bundle.crt' 'secret:kubernetes-config:etcd-metric-client:tls.crt' 'secret:kubernetes-config:etcd-metric-client:tls.key'
- name: mycontainer
image: myregistry/myimage:mytag

Ingesting metrics from exporters requiring client authentication is only possible with an ActiveGate deployed inside the monitored cluster and the Kubernetes connection settings configured to monitor the local Kubernetes API endpoint.

HTTP - Basic authentication optional

For systems that require basic HTTP authentication before scraping, you can apply the following additional annotations.


The following example shows two secrets created in the default namespace – one for a username and one for a password. The aforementioned annotations are then used on a pod, with the secrets referenced in the annotation values.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: user-secret
username: bXktdXNlcm5hbWUtc2VjcmV0Cg==
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: password-secret
password: bXktcGFzc3dvcmQtc2VjcmV0Cg==
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
annotations: 'true' '/path/to-metrics' '9001' 'false' 'secret:default:user-secret:username' 'secret:default:password-secret:password'
- name: mycontainer
image: myregistry/myimage:mytag

Ingesting metrics from exporters requiring basic HTTP authentication is only possible with an ActiveGate deployed inside the monitored cluster and the Kubernetes connection settings configured to monitor the local Kubernetes API endpoint.

Role-based access control (RBAC) authorization for metric ingestion

Exporter pods such as node-exporter, kube-state-metrics, and openshift-state-metrics require RBAC authorization. For these pods, add the annotation: 'builtin:default'

This annotation applies the token from the dynatrace-kubernetes-monitoring service account as an authorization header for requests to the exporter.

Ingesting metrics from exporters requiring RBAC authorization is only possible with an ActiveGate deployed inside the monitored cluster and the Kubernetes connection settings configured to monitor the local Kubernetes API endpoint.

For more information on how to annotate pods, see annotations best practices.

Annotate Kubernetes services

Requirements: Add the permission to access services for the dynatrace-kubernetes-monitoring ClusterRole (not needed for Dynatrace Operator users, as this is enabled by default in clusterrole-kubernetes-monitoring.yaml).

You can also annotate services instead of pods. Pods corresponding to the Kubernetes services are automatically discovered via the service label selector, causing scraping of all pods belonging to the service.

  • The service and its corresponding pods must be located in the same namespace.
  • The annotation should specify the target port of the container pod within the service, not the service's own port, since the service is not used for proxying the scraping process.

For more information on how to annotate services, see Annotation best practices.

Annotation best practices

There are multiple ways to place annotations on pods or services. See below to decide which approach fits your scenario best.

If you have full control over the pod template or service definition, we recommend adding the annotations by editing these files. This is the most reliable way to ensure persistency of annotations. We recommend editing the pod template over editing the service definition, as this requires fewer permissions (for example, if you don't have access to services).
Pro: Annotations are persistent, so they don't need to be recreated if a pod is removed.

Options if you don't have full control

If you don't have full control over the pod template, you have the following options:

  • Annotate an existing service (in YAML)
    Requirements: Have control over an existing YAML and permission to edit the existing Kubernetes service object.
    Pro: Annotations are persistent.
    Con: None.

    kind: Service
    apiVersion: v1
    name: dynatrace-monitoring-node-exporter
    namespace: kubernetes-monitoring
    annotations: '12071' 'true' 'true' '/metrics'
    - name: dynatrace-monitoring-node-exporter-port
    port: 9100
    targetPort: 12071
    selector: node-exporter
  • Create a new service (in YAML)
    Requirements: The new service should be created with a name that preferably starts with the dynatrace-monitoring- prefix. This service must be in the same namespace as the pods, and have permission to create a Kubernetes service object. The service is preferably headless (clusterIP is set to None) since it emphasizes that the service is not used for proxying.

    Pro: You have control over the original workload/service.
    Con: A label selector sync is required. We support only the label selector.

    kind: Service
    apiVersion: v1
    name: dynatrace-monitoring-node-exporter
    namespace: kubernetes-monitoring
    annotations: '12071' 'true' 'true' '/metrics'
    - name: dynatrace-monitoring-node-exporter-port
    port: 12071
    selector: node-exporter
    clusterIP: None
  • Annotate an existing service (in CLI)
    Requirements: Have permission to edit the existing Kubernetes service object.
    Pro: No label selector sync is required.
    Con: Annotations aren't persistent, so changes will overwrite the annotations. We support only the label selector.

  • Annotate existing pods (in CLI)
    Requirements: None.
    Pro: You can quickly test metric ingestion.
    Con: Annotations aren't persistent, so changes will overwrite the annotations.

View metrics on a dashboard

Metrics from Prometheus exporters are available in Data Explorer for custom charting. Select Create custom chart and select Try it out in the top banner. For more information, see Data Explorer.

You can simply search for metric keys of all available metrics and define how you’d like to analyze and chart your metrics. After that you can pin your charts on a dashboard.

Metric alerts

You can also create custom alerts based on the Prometheus scraped metrics. Go to Settings > Anomaly detection > Metric events and select Add metric event. In the Add metric event page, search for a Prometheus metric using its key and define your alert. For more information, see Metric events for alerting.


The current limitations of the Prometheus metrics integration are as follows:

Multiple exporters in a pod

Multiple exporters currently aren't supported; you can only select the exporter that is being used with the annotation.

Number of pods, metrics, and metric data points

This integration supports a maximum of

  • 1,000 exporter pods

  • 1,000 metrics per pod

  • 200,000 metric data points per minute

    Even though larger datasets are allowed, these can lead to ingestion gaps, as Dynatrace collects all metrics every minute before sending them to the cluster.

Monitoring methods

There are two distinct methods of monitoring technologies:

  • The first method involves using the Extensions 2.0 framework, which supports a handful of extensions for Prometheus exporters out of the box.

    This method provides comprehensive monitoring features, including technology-specific dashboards, alerting capabilities, topology visualization, and entity pages. However, this method operates outside of Kubernetes.

  • The second method involves annotating Prometheus pods within Kubernetes to scrape Prometheus exporters.

    While this method provides a more Kubernetes-native approach, it currently offers minimal functional overlap with the features provided by the Extensions 2.0 framework.

These two methods serve different contexts, work independently from each other, and don't share the same metrics.

Monitoring consumption

If you have DPS licensing, you can get more information about your environment's custom metric consumption from our licensing documentation.

If you have Classic licensing, Prometheus metrics in Kubernetes environments are subject to DDU consumption.

  • Prometheus metrics from exporters running on hosts monitored by OneAgent are first deducted from your quota of included metrics per host unit. After this quota is exceeded, any additional metrics consume DDUs.
  • Prometheus metrics from exporters running on hosts not monitored by OneAgent always consume DDUs.


To troubleshoot Prometheus integration issues, download the Kubernetes Monitoring Statistics extension. For more information, see the community article on How to troubleshoot missing Prometheus metrics.