Gets the specified settings object.
The request produces an application/json
GET | ManagedDynatrace for Government | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/objects/{objectId} |
Environment and Cluster ActiveGate (default port 9999) | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/objects/{objectId} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The ID of the required settings object.
If set to true and user has settings:objects:admin permission, the endpoint will act as if the user is the owner of all objects
objectThe response to a get by objectId request.
The user (identified by a user ID or a public token ID) who performed that most recent modification.
The timestamp of the creation.
The unique identifier of the user who created the settings object.
The external identifier of the settings object.
The timestamp of the last modification.
The unique identifier of the user who performed the most recent modification.
The ID of the settings object.
An Identity describing either a user, a group, or the all-users group (applying to all users).
The resource context, which contains additional permission information about the object.
The schema on which the object is based.
The version of the schema on which the object is based.
The scope that the object targets. For more details, please see Dynatrace Documentation.
A searchable summary string of the setting value. Plain text without Markdown.
A short summary of settings. This can contain Markdown and will be escaped accordingly.
The update token of the object. You can use it to detect simultaneous modifications by different users.
It is generated upon retrieval (GET requests). If set on update (PUT request) or deletion, the update/deletion will be allowed only if there wasn't any change between the retrieval and the update.
If omitted on update/deletion, the operation overrides the current value or deletes it without any checks.
The value of the setting.
It defines the actual values of settings' parameters.
The actual content depends on the object's schema.
objectAn Identity describing either a user, a group, or the all-users group (applying to all users).
The user id or user group id if type is 'user' or 'group', missing if type is 'all-users'.
The type of the identity.
objectThe resource context, which contains additional permission information about the object.
The allowed operations on this settings object.
objectThe additional modification details for this settings object.
If non-moveable settings object is in the first group of non-moveable settings, or in the last (start or end of list).
Property paths which are modifiable, regardless if the write
operation is allowed.
If settings object can be moved/reordered. Only applicable for ordered list schema.
Property paths which are not modifiable, even if the write
operation is allowed.
objectA schema representing an arbitrary value type.
{"author": "","created": 1,"createdBy": "fab17b7a-2eb2-4c95-b818-743d94be2c30","externalId": "string","modified": 1,"modifiedBy": "fab17b7a-2eb2-4c95-b818-743d94be2c30","objectId": "Y2ktaGdyb3VwLTEyMythZjhjOThlOS0wN2I0LTMyMGEtOTQzNi02NTEyMmVlNWY4NGQ=","owner": {"id": "string","type": "user"},"resourceContext": {"modifications": {"first": true,"modifiablePaths": ["string"],"movable": true,"nonModifiablePaths": ["string"]},"operations": ["delete"]},"schemaId": "builtin:container.built-in-monitoring-rule","schemaVersion": "1.0.0","scope": "HOST-D3A3C5A146830A79","searchSummary": "string","summary": "string","updateToken": "Y2ktaGdyb3VwLTEyMythZjhjOThlOS0wN2I0LTMyMGEtOTQzNi02NTEyMmVlNWY4NGQ=","value": "string"}