Gets all properties of the specified event.
The request produces an application/json
GET | ManagedDynatrace for Government | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/events/{eventId} |
Environment and Cluster ActiveGate (default port 9999) | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/events/{eventId} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The ID of the required event.
objectConfiguration of an event.
The correlation ID of the event.
The timestamp when the event was closed, in UTC milliseconds.
Has the value of null
if the event is still active.
The ID of the event.
The type of the event.
If true
, the event happens frequently.
A frequent event doesn't raise a problem.
The timestamp when the event was raised, in UTC milliseconds.
The status of the event.
The alerting status during a maintenance:
: Alerting works as usual.true
: Alerting is disabled.The problem detection status during a maintenance:
: Problem detection works as usual.true
: Problem detection is disabled.The title of the event.
If true
, the event happened while the monitored system was under maintenance.
objectA short representation of a monitored entity.
The name of the entity.
Not included in the response in case no entity with the relevant ID was found.
objectA short representation of a monitored entity.
The ID of the entity.
The type of the entity.
objectThe tag of a monitored entity.
The origin of the tag, such as AWS or Cloud Foundry.
Custom tags use the CONTEXTLESS
The key of the tag.
The string representation of the tag.
The value of the tag.
objectA short representation of a management zone.
The ID of the management zone.
The name of the management zone.
objectA property of an event.
The key of the event property.
The value of the event property.
{"correlationId": "933613657e1c8fcf","endTime": 1564039524182,"entityId": {"entityId": {"id": "string","type": "string"},"name": "string"},"entityTags": [{"context": "string","key": "string","stringRepresentation": "string","value": "string"}],"eventId": "4293884258445543163_1564039524182","eventType": "LOW_DISK_SPACE","frequentEvent": true,"managementZones": [{"id": "string","name": "string"}],"properties": [{"key": "string","value": "string"}],"startTime": 1564039524182,"status": "OPEN","suppressAlert": true,"suppressProblem": true,"title": "High CPU load on host X","underMaintenance": true}
In this example, the request queries the parameters of the event with the ID of 6375436663535938547_1628496488654.
This is the SYNTHETIC_GLOBAL_OUTAGE event, indicating global outage of browser monitors.
The API token is passed in the Authorization header.
curl --request GET \--url \--header 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
{"eventId": "6375436663535938547_1628496488654","startTime": 1628496488654,"endTime": 1628503679796,"eventType": "SYNTHETIC_GLOBAL_OUTAGE","title": "Browser monitor global outage","entityId": {"entityId": {"id": "SYNTHETIC_TEST-03ABB7F6446D1727","type": "SYNTHETIC_TEST"},"name": "Maintenance window test"},"properties": [{"key": "dt.event.group_label","value": "Browser monitor global outage"},{"key": "dt.event.is_rootcause_relevant","value": "true"}],"status": "CLOSED","correlationId": "aecd1653df38ef50","entityTags": [{"context": "CONTEXTLESS","key": "Synthetic","value": "Browser","stringRepresentation": "Synthetic:Browser"}],"managementZones": [{"id": "-7832237287622819191","name": "Synthetic tests"}],"underMaintenance": true,"suppressAlert": false,"suppressProblem": false,"frequentEvent": false}