Lists possible properties of an entity of the specified type. Note that these are placeholders showing what properties an entity can possibly have, not actual properties. To view actual properties of an entity, use the GET an entity request.
The request produces an application/json
GET | ManagedDynatrace for Government | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/entityTypes/{type} |
Environment and Cluster ActiveGate (default port 9999) | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/entityTypes/{type} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The required entity type.
Failed. The requested monitored entity type is not exportable or doesn't exist.
objectA list of properties of the monitored entity type.
The dimension key used within metrics for this monitored entity.
The display name of the monitored entity.
Whether the entity creation limit for the given type has been exceeded
A list of possible relationships where the monitored entity type occupies the FROM position
The placeholder for the list of management zones of an actual entity.
The placeholder for the list of tags of an actual entity.
A list of possible relationships where the monitored entity type occupies the TO position.
The type of the monitored entity.
objectThe TO position of a relationship.
The ID of the relationship.
A list of monitored entity types that can occupy the TO position.
objectThe property of a monitored entity.
The display-name of the property.
The ID of the property.
The type of the property.
objectThe FROM position of a relationship.
A list of monitored entity types that can occupy the FROM position.
The ID of the relationship.
{"entityLimitExceeded": "false","fromRelationships": [{"id": "RUNS_ON_RESOURCE","toTypes": ["CUSTOM_DEVICE"]},{"id": "IS_NETWORK_CLIENT_OF_HOST","toTypes": ["HOST","CUSTOM_DEVICE"]}],"managementZones": "placeholder for management zones","properties": [{"id": "BITNESS","type": "Enum"},{"id": "CPU_CORES","type": "Number"}],"tags": "placeholder for tags","toRelationships": [{"fromTypes": ["DISK"],"id": "IS_DISK_OF"},{"fromTypes": ["VMWARE_DATACENTER","GEOLOC_SITE"],"id": "IS_SITE_OF"}],"type": "HOST"}
In this example, the request lists all possible properties of entities of the PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE type.
The API token is passed in the Authorization header.
curl -L -X GET '' \-H 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
{"type": "PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE","properties": [{"id": "appVersion","type": "String"},{"id": "awsNameTag","type": "String"},{"id": "azureHostName","type": "String"},{"id": "azureSiteName","type": "String"},{"id": "bitness","type": "Enum"},{"id": "boshName","type": "String"},{"id": "conditionalName","type": "String"},{"id": "customPgMetadata","type": "Map"},{"id": "customizedName","type": "String"},{"id": "gardenApplicationNames","type": "List"},{"id": "gcpZone","type": "String"},{"id": "internalName","type": "String"},{"id": "isDockerized","type": "Boolean"},{"id": "jvmClrVersion","type": "String"},{"id": "jvmVendor","type": "String"},{"id": "listenPorts","type": "List"},{"id": "metadata","type": "List"},{"id": "modules","type": "List"},{"id": "oneAgentCustomHostName","type": "String"},{"id": "processType","type": "Enum"},{"id": "softwareTechnologies","type": "List"},{"id": "versionedModules","type": "List"}],"tags": "List","managementZones": "List","fromRelationships": [{"id": "isProcessOf","toTypes": ["HOST"]},{"id": "runsOnResource","toTypes": ["CUSTOM_DEVICE"]},{"id": "isInstanceOf","toTypes": ["PROCESS_GROUP"]},{"id": "talksWithCandidate","toTypes": ["HOST"]},{"id": "isNetworkClientOf","toTypes": ["CUSTOM_DEVICE","PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE"]}],"toRelationships": [{"id": "runsOnProcessGroupInstance","fromTypes": ["SERVICE"]},{"id": "isHostGroupOf","fromTypes": ["HOST_GROUP"]},{"id": "isNetworkClientOf","fromTypes": ["CUSTOM_DEVICE","PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE"]},{"id": "candidateTalksWith","fromTypes": ["HOST"]}]}