TLS 1.0 and 1.1 end-of-support for RUM data
As of April 2022, Dynatrace is retiring TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for Dynatrace SaaS RUM data.
Session Replay masking v1 end-of-life
Starting with Dynatrace version 1.240, masking v1 for Session Replay will no longer be supported.
- For applications using the RUM JavaScript version 1.193+, the switch from masking v1 to masking v2 happened automatically.
- For applications with the RUM JavaScript version 1.192 or earlier, you must update the RUM JavaScript to at least version 1.193 to enable masking v2. Otherwise, Session Replay will stop working once Dynatrace version 1.240 is live.
Classic user sessions page end-of-life
We are deprecating the classic User sessions page soon and replacing it with a more powerful page for session segmentation. This will happen with Dynatrace version 1.239 or later. To stay tuned, keep an eye on our release notes.
Notification banners
Starting with version 1.235, non-admin users no longer see notification banners regarding OneAgents and ActiveGates life cycle management.
New features and enhancements
Data Explorer and dashboards
Two new visualizations are available:
Azure Monitor
Besides include tags, you can now limit monitored resources using exclude tags.
Synthetic Monitoring
- New settings for HTTP monitors (configured in Additional options per request):
- Generate an SSL certificate expiration problem without failing a monitor when an SSL certificate is missing, expired, or will expire within the specified number of days (requires ActiveGate 1.235+ for private locations).
- Limit the display of the request body, response body, and header values in execution details.
- IOPS requirements for private Synthetic locations are now available.
User sessions page
When you go to Session Segmentation, you now land on the new User sessions page instead of the classic page. This new session analysis page focuses on user sessions rather than on individual users, features a powerful findings panel, and is just more visually appealing than the classic page.

For some time, both pages will co-exist, and we'll continue showing a toggle for switching to the classic page until that page ceases to exist.
Problem detection and analysis
- The frequent issue detection baseline no longer includes events that are under maintenance.
- To clarify the difference between the problem start timestamp and the actual lifetime of the problem, the problem overview page now displays information on when the problem was first observed by Dynatrace.
- Enhancements in how maintenance windows are applied to monitored entities:
- Monitored entity parent relationship is now considered. For example, if a maintenance window is configured for an entity of type Host, all its disks are considered to be under maintenance as well. If a problem is raised on a disk, and the parent host is under maintenance, the affected child disk is considered to be under maintenance as well.
- There are monitored entities in Dynatrace (such as the disk entity type) that don't support management zones. When you add such an entity to a maintenance window and specify a management-zone filter, the management zone of the parent entity is used instead. So, if you add the Disk entity type to a maintenance window and specify a management zone, all disks from hosts belonging to that management zone are matched to the maintenance window.
The fold, rate, last, lastReal, and partition metric transformations can not be used together with the Inf
resolution anymore.
Settings security policies
These previously existing settings are now available to be used in security policies:
- Settings > Log Monitoring > Custom attributes
- Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Custom service detection
- Settings > Server-side service monitoring > Request naming
- Settings > Server-side service monitoring > API detection rules
Dynatrace API
To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see Dynatrace API changelog version 1.236.
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.236.98)
The 1.236 GA release contains 27 resolved issues.
- Corrected support for generic entity types in the Events API v2 and Problems API v2. (APM-349599)
- Introduced a limit of 100,000 process group instances (last 72h) running on hosts presented on the "Deployment status" page for OneAgents. (APM-351868)
- Fixed an issue where navigating to an entity screen for further analysis from a problem could lead to a 404. (APM-352778)
- Tenant CountryCode can be used to adjust IP and geolocation resolution based on political variations. When set to China, for example, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao are resolved as regions within China rather than as countries in their own right. This resolves an issue where this was not applying for mobile visits. (RUM-4510)
- Corrected "Other processes" value calculations in custom timeframes in host process list. (APM-349936)
- Fixed wording for database metrics in distributed traces: `Time spent in database calls` and `Calls to databases`. (APM-352627)
- Fixed an issue in which "View PurePath" button on waterfall did not show up. (RUM-4285)
- The "User sessions" page, "Application type" field, has been corrected to always show a value for each type, even when the value is 0%. (RUM-4375)
- Corrected issue with maintenance window tag filters that led to them not matching their respective entity counterpart. (APM-350020)
- Browser monitor data from IP addresses excluded in the RUM web application is now processed correctly. (APM-351730)
- In the "Data explorer" selecting the 'Single value' visualization type before running the query no longer results in an infinite "Loading..." message. (APM-353313)
- A multidimensional analysis service filter with a request filter containing long database statements no longer results in clearing the filter due to invalid state. (APM-349729)
- ActiveGates with cluster type are now also presented as suggestions for "ActiveGate used by host" filter type on the "Deployment status" page for OneAgents. (APM-346830)
- Added missing diagnostic data for ActiveGate modules to the support archive generated from the Dynatrace web UI. (APM-352736)
- Fixed rare Elasticsearch index migration failure. (APM-347812)
- Fixed potential entity tag explosion on problems. (APM-351756)
- Kubernetes service relations are now written correctly, even if a generic RUNS_ON relation was added. (APM-348647)
- Corrected text formatting on "Disk Analytics Extension" page. (APM-349564)
- After manual update of ActiveGate to a specific version via REST, the module update no longer fails. (APM-354104)
- Corrected management zone filtering for AWS. (APM-352410)
- The namespace count for the Kubernetes cluster list is now synchronized with the count for the namespaces list. (APM-352162)
- Fixed null pointer exception that occurred during evaluation for alerting on metric expressions. (APM-346741)
- Container and process lists are now displayed on the Kubernetes pod details page for PaaS deployments. (APM-352971)
Application Security
- Security problems are no longer stuck in "EXPOSED" state when they are resolved but no more process groups are affected. (CASP-13400)
- Corrected data size calculation that prevented upload of iOS symbol files. (RUM-4323)
- Resolved parsing error involving brackets `()`, `{}`, and `[]` in the query builder in code mode. (APM-334179)
- Security problems that are resolved because of a monitoring rule change are now correctly added as resolved to the corresponding metric. (CASP-13112)