Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.217

Product news

Clickwrap agreement

Starting with Dynatrace version 1.217, a Subscription Agreement (MSA), or "clickwrap" agreement, can be displayed to new users. For details on managing clickwrap display, see Clickwrap agreement.

New AWS cloud service

Dynatrace can now ingest metrics for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA).

Metric expressions

You can now perform simple arithmetic operations while querying data points via Metrics API v2.

Kubernetes and CloudApplication entities over Dynatrace API

You can now export the attributes and relations of Kubernetes and CloudApplication entities using Monitored entities API v2.

Content Security Policy violations in RUM for web

You can now find and analyze your Content Security Policy violations in Dynatrace Real User Monitoring for web. Leverage this new request error type to better enforce your defined policies throughout all stages of development and to gain insights into potential security threats and attempted attacks using your web application.

Request count metric update

Request count (builtin:service.requestCount.total) has been aligned with the success and error count metrics to prevent the success count percentages from going above 100%. As a side effect, the request count metric can retrieve only data points that are captured after update to Dynatrace version 1.215. You can access older data points via the Response time metric with the count aggregation (builtin:service.response.time:count).

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.217.121)

The 1.217 GA release contains 29 resolved issues.


  • Resolved issue in which dashboard tiles displayed no data when the query filter included slash (`/`) or hash (`#`) characters. (APM-296997)


  • Fixed an encoding issue with user action properties. (APM-295400)
  • Resolved issue in which a dashboard tile with multiple metrics displayed no data if any of the metrics had empty data. Data is now displayed for non-empty metrics. (APM-291584)
  • Resolved issue in which the ID of an update job for ActiveGate changed after job completion, resulting in 404 error on subsequent API call to original job ID. (APM-297062)
  • Resolved issue with the Service dashboard tile in which the incorrect ratio between failed and successful requests was displayed on the chart. (APM-297362)
  • Added average availability value to row for aggregated browser monitor availability table. (APM-295773)
  • Fixed an issue in which database conditions in tagging and management zone configurations were evaluated incorrectly. (APM-295166)
  • Consumption and storage now returned correctly when using Environment API with paging. (APM-295508)
  • Changed Environment API v2 DELETE `/extensions/{extensionName}/{extensionVersion}` endpoint response code from 202 to 200, and now operation is instant. (APM-294722)
  • Metric data points are no longer erroneously billed (DDUs) after the dimension limit is exceeded. (APM-296578)
  • Resolved issue that resulted in technical difficulties page for an EC2 instance with hosts that have an io1 EBS volume. (APM-296242)
  • Resolved issue with display formatting of custom alert messages. (APM-296408)
  • Fixed relative URLs for "Third-party synthetic monitor" edit and drilldown links. (APM-296732)
  • Resolved issue where the mobile version distribution chart did not show values for large timeframes. (APM-297575)
  • Fixed sorting of availability table on 'Third-party synthetic monitor' page so that locations with no data are displayed at the bottom. (APM-294399)
  • The "Operating system" section of the "Session Details" page is hidden when no data is provided. (APM-288553)
  • Increased max limit for "Windows services availability monitoring" from 100 to 500. (APM-295115)
  • Resolved issue with request naming when new datasource was added to request attribute rule. (APM-292863)
  • On 'Monitoring overview' page, 'Process groups' tab, fixed outdated 'Deployment Status' link. (APM-293882)
  • Improved REPLACE_BETWEEN transformation of rule-based service detection. Overlapping delimiters can no longer occur, as the lookup for the second (before) delimiter now starts at the end of the first (after) delimiter. (APM-295964)
  • Resolved issue in which Mobile key user action metrics did not display data in Custom charts. (APM-295430)
  • Added filtering for crashes on user sessions page for custom apps. (APM-297558)

Infrastructure monitoring

  • Resolved issue in which the "Dynatrace Hub > SNMP Generic Extension" activation flow showed Next/Previous buttons overlapping with ActiveGate list. (APM-296447)
  • Resolved issue in which the "Dynatrace Hub > SNMP Generic Extension" activation flow showed an example from the previous clickthrough. (APM-296454)

User assistance

  • Fixed management zone evaluation for problems on environment entities that could lead to alerts on all management zones. (APM-294943)

User interface

  • Corrected "Browser type" filter selections offered on "User sessions" page. (APM-295008)
  • Resolved issue with navigation from "Session Detail" page caused by slash character in filter value. (APM-294107)

mobile app

  • Resolved issue with Dynatrace Cordova instrumentation wizard mapping of cluster URL for Managed installations. (APM-295179)

on-prem installation

  • Resolved issue in which 'Failed backup' was displayed even though backups were correctly created. (APM-294839)

Update 124 (Build 1.217.124)

This cumulative update contains 2 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.217 release.


  • Resolved potential memory management issue. (APM-302393)
  • Fixed masking of personal data in URIs on the PurePaths page. Be sure to select "Mask personal data in URIs" on "Settings > Preferences > Data privacy and security". (APM-300080)

Update 139 (Build 1.217.139)

This cumulative update contains 2 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.217 release.

ComponentResolved issues
Dynatrace API1

Dynatrace API

  • Calculated service metrics containing multiple service types condition are now properly retrieved via the Service metrics API. (APM-303342)


  • Resolved issue in which metrics from OneAgent z/OS Java module were rejected. (APM-304085)