Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.214
Product news
- Optimize modern web applications with automatic insights into pages and page groups
Single Page Applications (SPAs) and Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are now the de facto standard for building modern web applications. Among other things, this means that end users don't always trigger full page reloads when they navigate from one page to another.
New Windows services availability configuration
You can now narrow Windows services availability monitoring to a single host or host group. The configuration at the host level takes precedence over the host group configuration, which in turn takes precedence over the environment configuration.
If you have narrowed your Windows services availability to a host group, after update to Dynatrace 1.214 the configuration will only be available at the host-group level.
Starting with Dynatrace 1.214, custom events for alerting aren't created automatically. After the update, all previously created custom events remain intact.
For more information, see Classic Windows services monitoring.
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.214.83)
The 1.214 GA release contains 15 resolved issues (including 1 vulnerability resolution).
- Vulnerability: The API token for downloading OneAgents and ActiveGates is no longer attached as a query parameter for buttons and links in the web UI to download installers. (APM-246847)
- Resolved issue causing log spamming. (APM-288812)
- Tooltips for "Synthetic monitor health" and "Application health" tiles now correctly show the affected entity name instead of the ID. (APM-288459)
- Resolved unintended "Max user actions per minute exceeded" condition for Dynatrace Managed environments. (APM-288404)
- Improved stability of workloads filter bar. (APM-287403)
- Fixed Go garbage collection invocation count. (APM-285930)
- Resolved issue with Kubernetes cluster page, "View all workloads" button. (APM-286256)
- "Network traffic" switch is now available on AIX host settings page in Infrastructure Monitoring mode. (APM-288210)
- Fixed incorrect monitoring state description on "Process group settings" page (even when every process group instance was monitored, sometimes the monitoring state was displayed as "Partially on" instead of "On"). (APM-284571)
- Resolved occasional error page after leaving the "Host group settings" page. (APM-286257)
- Resolved a corner-case in custom charting of CGI metrics that resulted in an HTTP 404 page. (APM-289156)
- On "Davis data units overview" page, renamed "Custom metrics without related monitored entity" to "Not related to a monitored entity" to make it suitable for all pools. (APM-288489)
cloud automation solution
- Fixed inconsistency in successful request percentage calculation for SLO that caused values over 100%. (APM-286062)
dynatrace rest api
- Resolved a Metrics API issue with metric descriptor endpoint where the nextPageKey would not function properly for queries resolving duplicate metric keys. (APM-284712)
- Data explorer query results are now updated correctly when timeframe is changed. (APM-287862)
Update 100 (Build 1.214.100)
This cumulative update contains 3 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.214 release.
user assistance
- Fixed inconsistency in successful method request percentage calculation for SLO that caused values over 100%. (APM-291333)
Autonomous Cloud
- Resolved issue that resulted in the "Problems" > [problem] page not displaying for an active problem. (APM-293796)
- Fixed issue causing "Monitor Kubernetes/OpenShift page to erroneously display "Make sure your API token has Read Configuration and Write Configuration enabled" (instead of permission "Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology") for generated API token. (APM-292654)
Update 107 (Build 1.214.107)
This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.214 release.