We're dropping support for IE 7–10 and older JavaScript frameworks
Starting with RUM JavaScript version 1.265, we will stop supporting Internet Explorer versions 7–10 and certain older JavaScript frameworks. For more details, check the related announcement in the Dynatrace Community.
New features and enhancements
OneAgent Go module can capture BizEvents based on incoming web requests
Business Analytics | Go
The OneAgent Go module can now capture BizEvents based on incoming web requests.
SMB v1 support has been added
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
We have added support for the SMB v1 CIFS stats file format.
In certain circumstances, events generated by the OneAgent OS module were prematurely closed before the configured time because OneAgent also counted samples gathered before event activation as samples required for deactivation. Now samples with timestamps older than event activation are discarded. (HOST-2128)
To prevent generation of unnecessary short-lived events, when an OS service raises an event, it no longer generates a new event if the state change doesn't close the event. Instead, it updates the existing event with the new state of the OS service. (HOST-2362)
Eliminated container name duplication in PostgreSQL process naming. (In some cases, containerized PostgreSQL had multiple instances of the base pod and container names in its process name.). (HOST-2366)
The OneAgent OS module no longer attempts to read the memory of processes listed on the process agent blocklist. (HOST-2248)
Fixed issue when capturing complex objects by cloud events using OneAgent .NET code module. (OA-14633)
Fixed an issue with putting custom services on certain async methods (resolves issue with custom service detection rules failing to instrument DLL). (OA-14333)
Fixed detection of Cloud Foundry Gorouter technology. (OA-14419)
Infrastructure Monitoring
Fixed missing data points of EEC self-monitoring metrics. (EXT-4395)
Fixed CPU and memory spikes at the start of Extension Execution Controller life. (EXT-4048)
Fixed a DPL tagging problem that occurred after disabling the OneAgent CICS code module file sensor. (OA-14542)
Fixed Podman "Container name" (was displaying container ID instead of container name). (HOST-2233)
OneAgent for z/OS
Changed the IMS code module config block size from 4K to 8K (OA-11292)
Fixed a possible IMS code module S0C4 abend while processing the PSB end record for a BMP region (OA-13557)
Turned off superflouous log messages written by the Java ODIN agent on z/OS (OA-14089)
Fixed a S0C1 abend in the CICS code module when tracing a transaction defined with STORAGECLEAR(YES) attribute (OA-14282)