Dynatrace API changelog version 1.265
Environment API
- Synthetic locations API
- New field in the PrivateSyntheticLocation and SyntheticLocation objects:
useNewKubernetesVersion (boolean
- New field in the PrivateSyntheticLocation and SyntheticLocation objects:
- Security problems API
- Breaking change Changed comment property of the SecurityProblemMute objects:
Min length changed fromnull
Max length changed fromnull
- Breaking change Changed comment property of the SecurityProblemMute objects:
- Synthetic monitor executions API
- New field in the SyntheticOnDemandExecution and SyntheticOnDemandExecutions objects:
- New field in the SyntheticOnDemandExecution and SyntheticOnDemandExecutions objects:
Configuration API
- Request attributes API
- New possible values in the serviceTechnology field of the RequestAttribute object:
- New possible values in the serviceTechnology field of the RequestAttribute object:
- Extensions API
- New possible values in the serviceTechnology field of the RequestAttribute object:
- New possible values in the serviceTechnology field of the RequestAttribute object:
Early Adopter availability
The following APIs are now available in Early Adopter release:
- Environment API
POST /securityProblems/mute
- Environment API
POST /securityProblems/unmute
- Environment API
POST /securityProblems/{id}/remediationItems/mute
- Environment API
POST /securityProblems/{id}/remediationItems/unmute