Dynatrace API changelog version 1.190 Environment API Log Monitoring API
Documentation change The customParsingFields object has been hidden from the body of all POST analysis job requests.
The change is backward compatible; all existing requests remain unaffected. For new requests, use the customParsingPatterns field.
Topology and Smartscape API - Hosts
The following fields have been added to the Host object:
zosCPUModelNumber zosCPUSerialNumber zosTotalGeneralPurposeProcessors zosTotalPhysicalMemory zosTotalZiipProcessors zosVirtualization
Configuration API Anomaly detection API - Database services
The following fields have been added to the DatabaseAnomalyDetectionConfig object:
Anomaly detection API - Services
The following fields have been added to the ServiceAnomalyDetectionConfig object:
Dashboards API
The following fields have been added to the CustomFilterChartConfig object:
leftAxisCustomUnit rightAxisCustomUnit
Kubernetes credentials API
The following fields have been added to the KubernetesCredentials object:
certificateCheckEnabled eventsIntegrationEnabled workloadIntegrationEnabled
Maintenance windows API
The managementZoneId property of the long
type has been deprecated. Existing requests will still work. Use the newly introduced mzId field of the String
Request naming API
The following field has been added to the NumberRequestAttributeComparisonInfo and StringRequestAttributeComparisonInfo objects:
The following fields have been added to the Placeholder object:
useFromChildCalls aggregation
RUM metrics API
The following possible values have been added to the metric field of the RumMetricDefinition object:
Services API - Calculated metrics
The following fields have been added to the DatabaseAnomalyDetectionConfig object:
Web application configuration API
The following field has been added to the UserActionNamingSettings object:
The following possible values have been added to the type field of the UserActionNamingPlaceholderProcessingStep object:
The following fields have been added to the UserActionNamingPlaceholderProcessingStep object:
regularExpression patternToReplace